I am just curious - How many of my subscribers are still in active mode on FF? I would much rather get a response than a guess. Thanks,
I'm splitting my time. - Spidra Webster
I'm also splitting my time but not very active on G+ - comix aka martha
1/3 here, 2/3 over there. - CAJ was here
Another time-splitter here. - Mark H
i'm still around - WarLord
I've been playing with the new toy, but I'm still commenting and keeping up over here. - Eric @ CS Techcast
I'm still here pretty much exclusively. I won't hang out on G+ until it's a little more iPad friendly since that's my main way of being online. - Kisha
Still FF for the most part. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I'm still spending more time here than there. I've been slacking on my online time lately, though. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
I'm still 3/4 of my time here, 1/4 over on G+ -- there are still too many awesome content things going on here, and many people that haven't migrated, to really push that a different direction yet. - Jennifer Dittrich
I'm semi-active. I make one post each day of my daily sketches, at the very least. I don't like G+ and I'm not using it. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
I'm still here. - imabonehead
About as active on FF as I ever was, which is checking in maybe 2-3 times a day. But I'm starting to think social media has eaten my brain. - Corinne L
here, active. - Marianne
Down to about 70% active as before, but that's because of the slow down. Probably about 50% as active as I should be over there. Still trying to find the ropes. Friendfeed: Active; G+: Semi-active. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I'm here. - Katy S
As often as possible. - rønin
Still active, I think. I come here daily. - Brome
Active - Alex Scrivener
active, well as active as I am :) - Scott. Cat Herder.
I'm still here. Although there's things I like about G+, I just can't quit ff - Tamara, #TeamMarina
Still here. - cdogzilla | downgraded
I'm still active, splitting my time here, there, and elsewhere. - John (bird whisperer)
Still active, but spread thinner than before. - Jandy
Still active here. - CarlC
Wow, hardly the full 600 plus I have but good to know some are still going strong. Connie, I feel your pain. - Brent - Yes I am
I'm around. - Heather
Still here. - Jim #teamFFrank
I'm here more than there - Elena
Still here. I won't abandon the place where Scott & I met and fell in love. - Mary Carmen
Here, there, and everywhere. :-) - Mathew A. Koeneker
Here more than elsewhere. - Stephen Mack
I am still here...plenty...and likely not going anywhere. The time I spend on facebook will now be split between facebook and G+, because I will not allow it to cut into my friendfeed time. - April Russo (FForever!)
im still here. lost track of how long I have been here. no plans to leave. - Mike Nencetti
I'm here, still posting to the bookmarklet, still leaving comments and likes, still simultweeting my posts. - Dennis Jernberg
Mostly here. - laura x
Active here and elsewhere. - John E. Bredehoft
I'm still here! - Jeff P. Henderson
Here. - #cryptic
I stop many times to check out ff ...I think it's still AWESOME ...powerful site for connecting on ..seems no one is around much these days commenting and liking stuff ...is nice to see lots of comments and likes on this post. Have a great Monday !! - Rickbischoff
still here. - Big Joe Silenced
spending time on both . . . much less time on facebook and twitter. - Friar Will
Present. - Kristin
I'm here more than there and I can't see that changing so long as FF still exists. - Melly #FForever
still around. - chrisofspades #FForever.
here and there - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
still here - Aloof Schipperke
o/ - Jemm
10% here, 10% g+, 110% Summer - chaz2b
still here - I generally have to use tor or an out of country vpn to get to friendfeed, so that has always slowed down things a bit - bob
*waves* I'm here - Starmama
I am thinking there is still hope for FF - Yaaaaaaa! - Brent - Yes I am
I am active on ff and haven't enough time for G+. :-) - Maitani
Yeah, I saw that too from Shevonne. Pretty weird stuff for sure. - Brent - Yes I am
Splitting time between here and Gee Plus - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
It amuses me to have seen so many people in my feed saying that G+ is replacing FF. G+ is just like FB, and FB didn't replace FF. So. Anyway, I'm still here. I just have nothing to say lately. I think I'm burned out on being social right now. - Hookuh Tinypants
It's still easier to share here. - Morton Fox
I'm still 99% here though thanks to a FF I do have G+, I haven't looked at it enough to understand completely though. - Steve C, Team Marina
Am checking in several times a day. G+ is great, but FF is great as well! :) - James Stratford
Hah. - Rahsheen
Here - Just Mrs. V
Present. Though bouncing between FF and G+. - Kol Tregaskes
I'm in vacation mode. Found your post via "Best of Week" - Bruce Lewis
Back and forth. I'm graduating over but like the familiarity of my FF feed and great peeps - Fossil Huntress
I'm here...rarely...but I'm here. - David Cook
Here! - Anne Bouey
Not actually a subscriber, but I stick around. - Dennis Jernberg
I am kinda sorta pretty often…? Does that count? ::thunk thunk thunk:: Is this thing on? - Absentee