
Just Totally Awesome
Most successful pickup line ever: 'Hey, does this smell like chloroform?'
*dead* - Just Mrs. V
"A new poll found that 43 percent of Americans think President Obama is doing a good job at handling the BP oil spill. Of course, the same poll found that 43 percent of Americans hate pelicans." –Jimmy Fallon
Welcome Board Protocol - Company Name on top or guests names, followed by company name?
"Howdy, Y'all!" On the other side "Y'all Come Back Now, Y'Hear?" - Spidra Webster
Facebook question: If I look at someone's profile on Facebook (they aren't added as friend yet), is there a way for them to tell that I was looking at their profile?
Supposedly there's a FB app they can install that will do that. I have no idea whether that app really works or is just a viral come-on. - Spidra Webster
So you can look at Traci Lords' profile in peace now, Morgan. - Spidra Webster
what's the difference between these things??? 7 million unique visitors per month, 20,000 page views per month
Pageviews, all page views on the site, should be higher than unique visitors, IP based ID for a visitor over a period. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
coolios. thanks! - Morgan
spoon full of.....with celery.....pb & banana sammich.....frozen in ice cube trays with melted chocolate drizzled on top.....w/ granny smith apples.....more ideas?
just about anything, anywhere - Josh Haley
Just be careful. If you do use it "anywhere" it can get rather sticky... - Just Mrs. V
Sandwiches aside, give me your best ideas/recipes for PEANUT BUTTER (and keep it safe for work ok? ;-)
Searching! Sleep and Destroy!
Clevah! - Anika
I'm happy to hear that they found that sailing girl alive and well. When she gets home, I'm guessing that her mom and dad won't want her going to the corner store alone. I give her props for trying. And I have no idea how her parents can handle the worry of having a child out there like they did. Admiration all around.
a customer of mine just requested a copy of the company logo in a 'knockout (white) version'. What does this mean?
Not a clue. Lol - Amy
momma said knock you out - Morgan
a pic of (white) boxer that knocks out the logo with little birds and stars... - Jemm
legal question for all my smart ffriends - 3 people from work go out for drinks after work. 1 of them is a manager, but in a different department than the other 2. they have drinks, some laughs and in the end, the manager chooses to pick up the tab. on the drive home, 1 of the other people crashes and gets moderately hurt. Is the manager liable???
it isn't a company event in any way - Morgan
Florida is one of those states where EVERYONE involved in the liquor transaction could be held personally liable. You have to take a training course (RVP - responsible vendor program) before you can sell alcohol. - Sally - Skyrimmin' It
And the silicon chip inside my head gets switched to overload....*sigh* I hate Mondays.
Why does my bank need to charge be $25 to put a stop payment on a check? How is this fee justified? It used to cost me nothing. I am cool with paying a fee for a service, but it's gotta make sense. Maybe I'm just getting old and bitchy....Darn kids.
It's not looking like this situation will be resolved anytime soon....Anger, Sadness, Fear all mixed with some hope that things will end up OK....
yeah, if they nail this containment dome installation, they will have bragging rights for something that most experts think is impossible. - Morgan
I can't think of anything funny to say....
*snicker* I don't think you need to, dude. - Ordinarybug Heather
From RFN Networks - Los Angeles, CA: Solo Commuters unable to use HOV lanes experience increased levels of 'lane jealousy' when watching cars in the HOV lane whizz by. This is especially true when the commute takes drivers through one or more tunnels. The condition is becoming known as 'Car Pool Tunnel Syndrome'.
I still think this is funny. Comedy masturbation perhaps, but I slay me sometimes! - Morgan
Me too, Morgan. It's why I #badjokememe hashtagged it. There are quite a number of wonderful jokes, both great and terrible, that are so tagged. It's where I go when I desperately need a smile. - Ordinarybug Heather
Wireless Internet - No phone line at home. No cable line. Looking at the wireless options out there. Anyone have positive or negative advice/suggestions on this? For reference, I'm in the Los Angeles, CA area. Help me FFobi FFreindobi, you're my only hope!
MiFi on Sprint or Verizon. Sprint Overdrive but there's no 4G coverage in LA yet. I'd just grab a cheap DSL line though. - Rodfather
Tether the bitch to your iPhone: soon to be 4G - sofarsoShawn
Kristen Stewart from 'Into the Wild' w/ that guy that dies at the end. Enjoy.
@Morgan it's not a HUGE spoiler, but, I mean, there is a good sized chunk of the film towards the end which does deal directly with the whole "survival" aspect to the highest degree...I mean, I knew "how" it ended, but that didn't change the tension I felt in those scenes, hoping he would make it. - Mike Nayyar
I wonder if anyone will modify the iPad with a flip out protective cover. One that you could store a portable keyboard on. This would make it very easy to use the unit while it rests in your lap. Hmmm, maybe someday...
SWEET! I just heard my boss order a bunch of iPad's for the company!!! Wait, hang on a sec....Oh, ok... Um, nevermind....*kicks dirt*
Yarrrrr! - Josh Haley
Better that "eye pad" than the OTHER kind of pad they were talking about... - John E. Bredehoft
This guy is sitting in a restaurant, looking at the menu. The waiter comes to the table and asks for his order. The man replies "I'll have the 12 ounce NY steak, rare, and a small salad on the side". The waiter says "Rare? Sir, what about the 'mad cow'?". The man replies "She will place her own order". doesn't kill BSE. not much does, in fact. </buzzkill> - Big Joe Silenced
Urban Dictionary - Word of the Day April 5, 2010 ‘Air Guitar’ An ancient art that originated after God wanted to rock out but had no electric guitar on hand. He realized how sweet a thing he had just created so he wanted to pass it down onto man when man had no axe to rock with. This talent was given to man, by God, through Jesus. Jesus showed the...
Now I'm imagining God in heaven, hearing "Free Bird" for the first time. - John E. Bredehoft
FLASH! Ewwwwww!
In Soviet Amerika, health insurance covers all comrades in party.
In Soviet Russia, Party has you. - Morgan
Soviet Russia had all you can eat for all comrades. Whatever you got via rations, that was all you can eat. - John E. Bredehoft
Soc Sec # and ATM PIN # meme!!!! Ready? GO!
OK, i'll go first- 111-11-1110, 349901 - Morgan
slow down!!! ok, one.....*pencil tip breaks* dammit! - Morgan
Everyone Add A Line Short Story: Beginning with: Once upon a time there was a tiny bird named Frank...
Frank was a gorgeous American Goldfinch with lovely plumage. - Renee Hendricks
His ex-wife rolled up in the Maserati she took from him, as shiny and new and unscathed as if it'd just come from the dealership, just as the bird came to and flew up in the air. - dontgetcaught
Should have posted this with the link, but hey, I'm no techie wizard....
Are you going? - Spidra Webster
yep. tonight. gonna be ringside! woo hoo! - Morgan
We want pics. - Spidra Webster
i'll have pics and vids available this time tomorrow. assuming i make it in to work.... - Morgan
Lucha VaVOOM! Going tonite! Woo Hoo!
Have fun! - Spidra Webster
Valentines Day Plans: I'm gonna take my daughter to breakfast at Norms. Then to a movie. But other than that, I'm just going to enjoy the 80 degree weather here in Los Angeles
Oh wow! Must be nice! It's atypical weather here in the Seattle area. But not that nice! - Renee Hendricks
OK, Who pressed 'pause' on the clock???? It should be past 5pm by now!!! C'mon people! Fess up!
When it's time to purchase a bed (full size, w/ boxspring, no frame needed), where do you start your searching? Stores, Online, Catalogs, back alley, a guy with a big truck parked down the street? It's been a long time since I've purchased a new bed, so I'm pretty much clueless. Your FF advice would be most appreciated!
We got ours from Sleep Train. I think anywhere with lots of different beds that you can test out should work fine (i.e. a place that has normal, Sleep Number, and Tempurpedic beds so you can compare the three competing bed ideologies :) - Shannon Jiménez
I would suggest trying a few beds, and when you find a couple that seem right, then check CR to see what they have to say about the quality of the models you like. Or just get a Sleep Number bed and you don't have to worry about it ;) - Bren