Everyone Add A Line Short Story: Beginning with: Once upon a time there was a tiny bird named Frank...
Frank was a gorgeous American Goldfinch with lovely plumage. - Renee Hendricks
Frank used to work at All-American Burger, but they kept trying to cook him, so he left. - Mike Nencetti
Frank flew and flew and flew for a long time with his tiny wings then landed on bald guys head - Steve Cleary
The bald man, who'd been crying, suddenly smiled to find a tiny beautiful bird on his head. - Ayşe E.
He reached up to pat him, and his tears dried and died away. - Trish Haley
"My little friend," he cried. "Where did you come from and why have you come to me?" I have been cast out of my home and I have no one who wants to even be near me." - Melanie Reed
The bird looked at him without making a sound, then suddenly fell to the ground. - Shey
The bald man gave a cry of shock and quickly bent down to gently scoop the little fellow up and began to gently stroke his soft, feathery chest with the back of his finger. "Come on, little buddy. Wake up!", he said, trying his best to revive him. - Melanie Reed
And that's when the first of seven nuclear detonations took place 3 miles from where he was standing.... - Morgan
It made the man fall down and go boom and get an owie on his elbow. - Josh Haley
Frank's nano-engineered Ultrashield protected him and everything around in a one mile radius. - iTad
But no amount of engineering could have prepared Frank for what happened next. - Bruce Lewis
***commenting - damn, that sheild sounds pretty awesome. i need to pick me up one of those next time i'm down at the a&p!****** - Morgan
His ex-wife rolled up in the Maserati she took from him, as shiny and new and unscathed as if it'd just come from the dealership, just as the bird came to and flew up in the air. - dontgetcaught