Soc Sec # and ATM PIN # meme!!!! Ready? GO!
OK, i'll go first- 111-11-1110, 349901 - Morgan
LIAR, I know what your soc# is - Josh Haley
███-██-████ & ████ I guess now you're going to steal my identity, huh? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
um, duh! - Morgan
Jimminy struts his skeelz - Josh Haley
Josh - ixnay on the iarlay udelay! :-) - Morgan
123-45-6789, 1234 ... No one will ever guess those! - John (bird whisperer)
how did you make the grey boxes thingees. that's cool. (and when I figure it out, i will know what numbers you are trying to hide! muah hahahahaha! - wait, is thing still on? shit!) - Morgan
*empties john's account and steals his identity* OK, that was easy....NEXT! - Morgan
Morgan, someone used them the other day for spoilers, so I just copy and pasted the appropriate number for the gag. :P - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I'll give you the combination to Druidia's air lock. Are you ready? One. Two. Three. Four. Five. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Jimminy - you have eluded me this time, with your fancy tricks and all....but I will get you someday! Yes, yes I will! muahhahahahahaha - Morgan
slow down!!! ok, one.....*pencil tip breaks* dammit! - Morgan