
Just Totally Awesome
OK, Who pressed 'pause' on the clock???? It should be past 5pm by now!!! C'mon people! Fess up!
When it's time to purchase a bed (full size, w/ boxspring, no frame needed), where do you start your searching? Stores, Online, Catalogs, back alley, a guy with a big truck parked down the street? It's been a long time since I've purchased a new bed, so I'm pretty much clueless. Your FF advice would be most appreciated!
We got ours from Sleep Train. I think anywhere with lots of different beds that you can test out should work fine (i.e. a place that has normal, Sleep Number, and Tempurpedic beds so you can compare the three competing bed ideologies :) - Shannon Jiménez
I would suggest trying a few beds, and when you find a couple that seem right, then check CR to see what they have to say about the quality of the models you like. Or just get a Sleep Number bed and you don't have to worry about it ;) - Bren
It's gonna rain like the dickens this weekend here in Los Angeles. Gonna go see plenny movies with my kiddo to avoid the moisture droplets. Office is closed on Monday (paid holiday! woo hoo!). See you suckers next week Tuesday!!! Happy MLK day y'all!
That sucks! I'm going to be in the office Monday and I DON'T WANNA! - Just Mrs. V
can relate here in supposed always sunny San Diego (North County) - Windy like a beast! How about those Tornado warnings at today ? - Mekkar
Best Race Horse Name Ever: "My Face" - Imagine everyone in the crowd cheering for him to win....
Come on! Come on! Come on My Face!!! You can do it!!! Come On My Face!!!!! - Morgan
8 hour layover in Vancouver BC. Never been to the airport or the city before. Any suggestions on what to do during the layover? Is there time to take a train or other ride downtown to check things out? Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
I like to travel, but the early flights and time differences always mess me up. Darn round earth.
i can relate. - Big Joe Silenced
ah Mellissa, the point of the journey is not to arrive. rather it is to hurry up and wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. - Morgan
I'm freezing my ass off in Atlanta! It's 26F here and I'm a cold weather wimp! Brrrrrrr!
Cold weather wimp? Or just a wimp? :oP - Just Mrs. V
cold weather wimp. other than that, i'm a total stud muffin. oh yeah baby. el muffino del studly-o - Morgan
Lost a few "stud" points there with "el muffino" - Just Mrs. V
My flight to Atlanta departs at 6am tomorrow. Does that mean that I have to check in at 2am? :-)
Whatcha doin' in Atlanta? - LB ❤s FF
flights were nice and boring! - Morgan
My Best Shot of 2009!
name of a tequila that begins with the letter 'P', but NOT Patron. Ready? GO!
hic bump. Anyone know? - Morgan
Pocahontas.... ooops wrong thread. :D - AJ Batac
Happy New Year (belated) to all my wonderful Ffriends! Back from stay-cation today and ready for a great 2010. Hope the year is kick-ass for all of you (and for me too!) Be good - but not TOO good.
On like Donkey Kong bitches!
OMG. EPIC. - Jennifer Dittrich
oh my - Josh Haley
i'm naive when it comes to what things cost to make, so can anyone tell me why 'Avatar' cost $280 million to make? I understand the $150 million it cost to market it worldwide, but with most of the action being CG, how much can it really cost??? Help me understand where my $16 is going please! :-)
Dave: But movies cost millions of dollars to make. Robert K. Bowfinger: That's after gross net deduction profit percentage deferment ten percent of the nut. Cash, every movie cost $2,184. - Anika
billion dollar bump. - Morgan
rock is read. Long live Paper and Scissors!!!
i really did mean to say 'dead' but like a jackass, i fugged it up. JOKE: FAIL - Morgan
Diner table fun with my sweetie.
She's looking for that missing "n" - Josh Haley
Unless you are actually at a diner - Josh Haley
Then I'm just looking stupid again - Josh Haley
The third thing you said. - Morgan
Ok, I need tickets to the BCS Game at the Rose Bowl on January 7th. Who wants to sell me their tickets? I'm a Texas fan and need 2 tickets anywhere in the stadium. Will pay lots and lots of cash. Serious and Silly Replies only.
Though it may not get you further, offering sex sometimes least for me it does. :oP - Just Mrs. V
oh to have two tickets - VALZONE#SCREWED
Yes, yes I am fat. And you are a jackass. And guess what? I can diet. So go suckle on Oprah's teet like you have been forever you hack.
that dude isn't exactly svelte. - Bren
i really can't stomach this guy. he comes across as a hypocrite in pretty much everything he says. maybe it's me. maybe i'm transferring anger onto him because i'm uncomfortable with some things about myself. or maybe i'm the shit and his 15 minutes are about to tick away. nothing personal Dr. Phil, but go fuck yourself. - Morgan
LOL... Morgan. You ARE the s**t. Now sit down and take your valium. - Jim #teamFFrank
Valium? What's that? - Morgan
OK Listen Bitches. I love all of you...but if you continue with the spider picture postings, I gotta quit and spend my days doing work and stuff. So PLEASE, no more spider pics. I'm a complete wimp and can't hide them fast enough. Call me a pussy. Call me whatever. But spiders are EVIL! EVIL I say!
A really hot Spider-Woman picture must really put you in a quandary. - Spidra Webster
Ain't nothin' good about Spiders! *hides* - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
July 2009: I spend $2550 to install a slightly used (40,000 mi) V6 motor in my 2001 Camry. Ouch. December 14, 2009: I fail my smog test, but still get to pay $48 in fees. WTF? I gotta speak to my mechanic about this....hmmmmm
Owning a car ain't cheap. :( - Spidra Webster
My eyes burn from this, but I gotta give her props for stepping up and doing this for the movie. Damn. It kills me to say so.
but there's no denying it - Morgan
A gentleman walked up to me last night and asked me whether or not I was Jewish or not. That was a first for me. I said 'no', and he wished me a good night, a Happy Hanukkah and was on his way....
Heh. I get "Happy Kwanzaa". [blank stare] - Anika
Do I look Jewish? Is there even a Jewish 'look'? I dunno...I'm a fat dude with a bad haircut that wears a baseball cap (see avatar - it was THAT hat). I have a white goatee and don't have long curly sideburns. Maybe I was putting out a Jewish vibe or something.I didn't feel insulted or anything. Just wondering if I can add the girls at Canters as options now, because they are way cute! :-) - Morgan
Me and my baby back in March 2002. One of my favorite pics.
Judy - I'll take that as a compliment! Thanks. (and he IS 4 years younger than me, which is good for him) - Morgan
Saw 'New Moon' last night with my daughter. I was very disappointed. It really, really sucked very badly. No pun intended.
Glad to know you took the fall for others. I have had my curiosity cured due to your wordy review here. Thanks :o) - Just Mrs. V
Here's one that haunts me even today. I did the matching shirt thing with my older bro, but there's no real good explanation for the pants.
I had a similar pair (or 4) of pants. I miss wearing them. - Anika
Channeling John Daly of the future maybe? - Brian Sullivan
By Semi-Popular Demand - The Haley Boys ~ The disco years
How about that blow-dried hair on me? what the hell was I thinking? or was I thinking? nope. probably not. - Morgan contest here. Haleys have it. - Just Mrs. V
Good morning FriendFeeders! It's cold here in Los Angeles and both of my bosses are out of the office today! Woo fricken Hoo!
aden: you know me all too well! I'm thinking that I'll maybe put in about 90 minutes of actual work today. The rest will be cleaning my desk until i can actually see the desk itself! - Morgan
i couldn't whine or cry from home...i don't have an internet connection at home.....*HEY SANTA! Look up!!* - Morgan
Peter from Family Guy was right. Canada does suck.
We all face forward. cubicles are right next to each other. total room is about 35' x 25', not including bosses offices in back. The bosses have windows with venetian blinds, which they use to their advantage. cubicle walls are 45" high. Fun stuff.
That's a lot of Management (6 out of 15) - Victor Ryden 美久太阿
yep. that's totally me. but i don't have to wear a tie anymore. customers kept getting pissed off that we were wearing ties and they weren't. made them look bad. and i'm all about keeping customers happy. - Morgan
You got a pretty mowf boy! C'mere and gimme a kiss!
LOL IRL! - rowlikeagirl
bonuses just handed out. i'm smiling now.
Woohoo!!! Whatcha gettin' me? - Just Mrs. V
Pandamonium Love
bumping for self-promotion and because it's Pandas! Pandas! Pandas! - Morgan
I've been carefully watching Joshua for a long time. He's the baby of the family and is way smarter than me, so there might have been some jealousy involved, even back when he was a baby. But maybe I was just making sure he was OK.....but from the look on my face, it's probably the jealousy thing....But I love him....And he IS heavy....hee hee
AHAHHAH!!! - Just Mrs. V
Wow and I thought the world was complete with 2 Haleys - Just Mrs. V