I've been carefully watching Joshua for a long time. He's the baby of the family and is way smarter than me, so there might have been some jealousy involved, even back when he was a baby. But maybe I was just making sure he was OK.....but from the look on my face, it's probably the jealousy thing....But I love him....And he IS heavy....hee hee
AHAHHAH!!! - Just Mrs. V
what a great family portrait. - Carlos Ayala
And it's not even my birthday or anything. - Josh Haley
Oh, I think it's more than stink, Pea. Looks like a plot to kill ... - Laura Norvig
It's not easy having to watch your back for over 38 years. - Josh Haley
hey, i said sorry already....hee hee - Morgan
Wow....sounds like a conversation between my sister and I. - Just Mrs. V
Katie: me and josh were way cuter right? :-P - Morgan
I don't know....as babies yes but my sis and I are pretty hot....let me find a picture - Just Mrs. V
I don't know....it's a toss up! http://ff.im/coP1t - Just Mrs. V
ok, you and your sister win. pretty darn cute I must admit. But Josh and I can take you in a Buffalo Wing eating contest. - Morgan
True dat but we have MAD dancing skillz... - Just Mrs. V
oh my. It's on like Donkey Kong baby!!!! - Morgan
Find me a dance floor and I'll bust a move so fine your eyes will fall out (hopefully not on my shoes) - Just Mrs. V
find ME a dance floor WITH a pole... and then we'll see who's eyes fall out. - Morgan
Oh shit...if that's the case I want a blindfold. I respect my vision too much to view that! - Just Mrs. V
ok, now it's personal. Now we will re-create the Chris Farley / Patrick Swayze Chippendale's skit!!!! That will burn through any blindfold! - Morgan
Ok FINE! You win the dance-off - Just Mrs. V
yay! my girth and my stellar bullshitting skill win again! - Morgan
Or your skills of thoroughly grossin' people out are too good. - Just Mrs. V
i gross people out? aw, shucks. you are too kind! - Morgan
All out of love, Morgan. Snarky love, but love nonetheless :o) - Just Mrs. V
I likes me the snarky love...hee hee - Morgan
genetics strikes again. and thanks! i'll take that as a compliment. i'm a bit heavy compared to him, but that just means that there's more of me to love! - Morgan
I wanna see more groovy '70s Haley family pics. - Spidra Webster
Josh has tons. I have a limited supply in digital format here at work, but can bring some tomorrow for your perusing. - Morgan
Who's the third Haley sibling & are they on FriendFeed? - sofarsoShawn
That's Bill Haley and he's next predicted to make an appearance in 2061. - Spidra Webster
It's our older brother Sean. I don't think he's on here, but he should be! He's 2.5 years older than me and Josh is 4 years younger. Yes, I am a middle child. And I'm a Leo. Can you tell? - Morgan
Sean is here, but barely. http://friendfeed.com/groo - Josh Haley
Yay! tell him herro? everybody and maybe he'll join in the troublemaking! - Morgan
He should be here. He's the true cat-lover of the family. And other interesting animals. - Josh Haley
Wow and I thought the world was complete with 2 Haleys - Just Mrs. V