I like to travel, but the early flights and time differences always mess me up. Darn round earth.
i can relate. - Big Joe Silenced
Let's demand a flat Earth with single timezone! I'm sure we could sue someone... - Jemm
let it be done! so say us all. but where will we find monsters to hide just past the edge of the earth? - Morgan
New Jersey? - Jemm
vegas baby, VEGAS! yeah, we could find some there - Morgan
the ones that taste really good at the beginning....and then REALLY gross at the end? i love those because they make me drink fast to avoid the yucky ending - oops, I guess that can mean other things when discussing Vegas! - Morgan
screw that noise. If the Earth goes flat then the hole to China that I'm digging in the back yard will have been a wasted effort! - Joe "The Anvil" Pierce
Joe doesn't want all the effort put in thus far to be wasted - Morgan
tunnels are cool - Morgan
I like destinations. The travelling part makes me sick :o( - Melly #FForever
ah Mellissa, the point of the journey is not to arrive. rather it is to hurry up and wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. and wait. - Morgan