
Just Totally Awesome
So once he hits puberty, I guess Justin will have to 'Shave the Bieber' on a regular basis....
I hope he doesn't live long enough to hit puberty - Just Mrs. V
I just won a dollar off my boss with the ole 'Did you know that Lake Tahoe is further west than Los Angeles' trick. Bwahahaha! Victory is mine!
I need another way to say 'shape' as in 'to shape the bread dough'. not braid or twist, just a 'shaping' process....any ideas?
modify through physical manipulation - Mekkar
anybody have a high quality image of the CA HOV Access OK sticker that they issued for hybrids a while back? I'd like to see how close to authentic I can get a fake printed copy
Just for research purposes, of course. - Spidra Webster
naturally...heh heh - Morgan
I'm doing some research on how long one can get away with using a bogus sticker without being shot by an over-zealous CHP rookie. - Morgan
Hello Upper Management? There's too much due too soon, so please press the 'master PAUSE' button to allow more time to complete the allegedly urgent projects being worked on. OR hit the 'master FAST FORWARD' button and make it all go away until tomorrow. Thank you in advance for your understanding and awesomeness. Sincerely, Morgan
Just Overheard in the Office: "Birmingham, Alabama is just like a smaller Seattle."
That person has clearly never been to Seattle. Or felt me beat them up with a cricket bat. - Akiva
Here's.... So this.... How.... [longer pause] Now I've got nothin'. - Micah
For Business Use - Which is better, Blackberry or iPhone4g?
Anybody have a favorite SD card rescue software or device?
Adios FriendFeeders. Have a nice weekend.
Aydios, Commander Commando! - Spidra Webster
L9R D))D - Akiva
so does this facebook live thing mean that friendfeed is doomed?
FriendFeed's been doomed for a long time. It's just be a long-playing doom. - Akiva
so it's more like 'dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed'? - Morgan
ask Robert Scoble - Jeff (Team マクダジ )
Excuse me Mr. Trombone player. Just gotta make this turn here.....
Sims re-creation of JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater quitting his job in style.
Anybody major in semaphore?
Nope, but I can signal 'nuclear disarmament' :) - Eivind
BTW, this says "FriendFeed Girls Rock" for the semaphorically challenged - Morgan
Holy Freaking Crap! Lady Gaga has used cocaine? Get the hell out! No freaking way this can be true. I'm flabbergasted.
I refuse to believe this. - Jim #teamFFrank
Lies! - AJ Batac
Better timing for introducing my latest fashion 'must-have' design for 2010.
NO. - Shey
I want one! Such a worthy cause to fight for :) - Eivind
It's almost time to get the t-shirt making supplies out of storage. My last creation was 'Free Martha', which ended up being limited in production quantity. Like, limited to 1 unit. And my Dad still wears it! :-)
where is that pic of the 3 brothers, 2 crying, 1 smiling...references world cup results
i've searched but had no luck - Morgan
“You can avoid your responsibilities, but you can’t avoid the consequences of avoiding your responsibilities.”
Somebody hurry up and do something already. If the Russians wanna take a crack at it, I say let them. If Iran has ideas, let's have lunch with them and throw some ideas around. If North Korea's leader says that his God-like poop would solve the problem right away, get him a roll of Charmin and some reading material....But let's get this shit fixed like was promised - By considering ALL ideas, from ALL sources!!!! - Morgan
Divorce - It's expensive because it's worth it.
Me and my bruddahs, Sean and Josh - kicking it at the GG Bridge in 1976!
Awesome! - Just Mrs. V
The Gilmore Girls bridge? - Josh Haley
Speaking of Sports Headlines: "Tired Gay succumbs to Dix in 200 meters".
For Katie - Lots of Nice Boobies!
Heeeeeyy.....I read "Nice Boobies" but I see no boobies! - Just Mrs. V
Nice, Geoff - Just Mrs. V
Gotta say - Katie - you made my day bearable. You rock. Have a great weekend and never stop being sexy as hell. Thanks for being you.
You're welcome! - Just Mrs. V
Love this Picture. Have NO idea what it means.
It means he's given up on Taco Bell? - John (bird whisperer)
Burgerboots. - Rochelle
I just gotta say something - If you post a slideshow to YouTube, and I meet you someday, I will stab you in the face with a sharp chopstick. YouTube is for videos. Keep it videos. don't fucking post slideshow tributes that you think are awesome. they aren't. neither are you. You suck ass slideshow people.
I know, right!? Stick with Scribd or issu. - Anika
Hey! My YouTube channel is mostly video with one slideshow of my summer in Europe which could never fit! It's for friends and family, not the world ;) - agirlnamedxine
My recent work ID badge self-shot photo. To help Josh.
That's nothing, dude - Josh Haley
Boobs? Where? - Just Mrs. V
If I had a penny for my thoughts I'd be a millionaire!
I DO have a Penny for my thoughts, and I sure feel like a millionaire :) - Georgia
I was just thinking, that maybe you might be able to think me a loan? :-) - Morgan - Airline Passengers Showered With In-Flight Maggots
I'm never sleeping again. Or flying. I need to shower.... - Morgan
I won't even look. Ew ew ew - Just Mrs. V
Most successful pickup line ever: 'Hey, does this smell like chloroform?'
*dead* - Just Mrs. V
"A new poll found that 43 percent of Americans think President Obama is doing a good job at handling the BP oil spill. Of course, the same poll found that 43 percent of Americans hate pelicans." –Jimmy Fallon