I need another way to say 'shape' as in 'to shape the bread dough'. not braid or twist, just a 'shaping' process....any ideas?
Meld - Johnny
Craft - Johnny
I like form. - Nathalie
All good suggestions. Thanks very much! - Morgan
enshapen? - Rahsheen
Knead into "shape" - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Think in terms of a breadmaker 'pause' option that gives you 3 - 5 minutes to adjust, shape, knead, the dough in the pan how you want, which could just be a basic centering to ensure even baking. - Morgan
mold, craft and form are good - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
modify - Mekkar
enbiggen - Josh Haley
da kine - Morgan
Josh: you rule. - Lisa L. Seifert
Lisa: not until his brothers have died - Morgan
No, Lisa is definitely right. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
peasants. you know only what the royals allow you to know. :-) - Morgan
It's times like this when I'm glad I'm an only child. :) - John E. Bredehoft
dey zhah voo just now...wow, for reals - Morgan
if josh truly ruled, he would have said 'make 'em biga' - Morgan
but when it comes to bread-related things, he really stands no chance. - Morgan
I LOVE THE HALEYS! There. I said it. :-D - Lisa L. Seifert
being an only child....i wonder if that's better than being the middle child...(guess which one I am) - Morgan
the Haley's carry much affection for you Lisa....Ok, it's love....Love it is.... - Morgan
The Brothers Haleymozov. - Micah
Don't your arms get tired from carrying around all that affection? - Lisa L. Seifert
Er, I mean, loooove? Perhaps you carry it in your hearts... *salty inside* - Lisa L. Seifert
Yes, Lisa. - Josh Haley
Alrighty then... - Lisa L. Seifert
I like the Halymozov thing from Micah...what do you think Josh? - Morgan
It could work. - Josh Haley
modify through physical manipulation - Mekkar