Iain Baker

Musician (Jesus Jones), DJ (XFM, NME Radio), voiceover artist, skater, cook, proud and contented dad.
Scientists Compile The Ultimate Workout Playlist - Business Insider - http://www.businessinsider.com/scienti...
If this list contains any Katy Perry, I'm going to be offended. - Hookuh Tinypants
Grey Fluffy Clouds - The Orb Vocals Alan Parker - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
This always makes me smile - Iain Baker
OMG! Number of UK text messages falls for first time | Technology | The Guardian - http://www.theguardian.com/technol...
Is that the Archbishop of Canterbury texting? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
vintage everyday: Amazing Photographs of London Underground in the 1970s-80s - http://www.vintag.es/2014...
The Eagles' 'Hotel California' LP made into gigantic vinyl record - Uncut.co.uk - http://www.uncut.co.uk/eagles...
"The massive LP has a diameter of 407 feet and covers 5.7 acres. The vinyl record spins at 17 miles per hour, but, reports Rolling Stone, does not actually play music. It took 75 people to make the record and it can be seen from over a mile high, featuring lettering as tall as the 'Hollywood' sign in the Hollywood Hills." - Iain Baker
What in hell are they going to do with that? - Spidra Webster
Ha, looks good! The Forum is such a great venue. Saw the Foo FIghters there just before I moved out of town. - Derrick
Dilbert comic strip for 12/27/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive. - http://www.dilbert.com/strips...
Exactly! ;) - Iain Baker
i'm the guy who posts the rimshot. *rimshot* - Big Joe Silenced
Penny Rimbaud On How Crass Nearly Started World War 3 | VICE United Kingdom - http://www.vice.com/en_uk...
Going to have lots of Turkey stock. Now, should I clarify it?
Nah. I think I get what you mean ;) - Johnny
Checking Memrise out. Seems fantastic *learns Latin, again*
Interesting. This is the first I've heard of it. - Spidra Webster
It popped up on my ff feed yesterday, so I checked it out today. Really great site. - Iain Baker
Woody Guthrie's New Year's Resolutions - Business Insider - http://www.businessinsider.com/woody-g...
"Wash Teeth If Any" - Steve C, Team Marina
BBC News - Palmerston: The island at the end of the earth - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news...
"It is one of the most isolated island communities in the world. The tiny Pacific island of Palmerston is visited by a supply ship twice a year - at most - and the long and hazardous journey deters all but the most intrepid visitors. What's more, most of its 62 inhabitants are descended from one man - an Englishman who settled there 150 years ago. Nine days of constant movement. Nine days in a boat, unable to stand. Nine days with the fear of being hit by a tropical storm, thousands of miles from rescue. The Pacific Ocean is big. Far bigger than one would imagine. This is the journey to the island at the end of the earth." - Iain Baker
But this is a *huge* story--that or casual sexism. There are 62 inhabitants all descended from one man, apparently without the involvement of, you know, women! - walt crawford
vintage everyday: Old Photos of Pubs in London a Century Ago - http://www.vintag.es/2013...
Coolest thing about this - i've drunk in at least six of the pubs on this list - they're still going strong - Iain Baker
Bob Mould – Brasilia Crossed With Trenton - http://www.last.fm/music...
The story of Jacob Epstein's 'Rock Drill' | Tate - http://www.tate.org.uk/context...
My favourite piece of sculpture - Iain Baker
"Epstein said: “I made and mounted a machine-like robot, visored, menacing, and carrying within itself its progeny, protectively ensconced. Here is the armed, sinister figure of today and tomorrow. No humanity, only the terrible Frankenstein’s monster we have made ourselves into…” - Iain Baker
About half way through the tour now. We've done Edinburgh, Sheffield, and Bristol. Tomorrow, we're back down to London. It's tiring, but a HUGE blast. Rock'n'Roll means you drink from the fountain of eternal youth for a precious while,and i'm always grateful for the chance to live like there's no tomorrow. It's in my blood, I guess.
Yeah, that was crazy. Those old theatres are wonderful, but have plaster ceilings that have been there for a LONG time - Iain Baker
Wish I could catch one of your shows. Any plans to tour the states, Iain? - Stephen Mack
I should be there =( - VALZONE#SCREWED
The end of the Facebook era - http://takeaswig.com/the-end...
"With each passing year, Facebook struggles to keep the attention of the future generation. Studies show that the number of teens active on Facebook has declined as much as 16% in Q3 of 2013. This foreshadows the inevitable exodus to the next generation of social networks" - Iain Baker
Today's the day. Off on tour. Will be hard leaving the family for five day, but that blow will be softened by having fun with my "other" family. Got to get a flight to Edinburgh in a few hours, then - WE ROCK
We salute you! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
wish I was there .... - VALZONE#SCREWED
Yugo Mail « Skate and Annoy - http://skateandannoy.com/blog...
This is one of my favourite stories of the year: Skater writes letter to US skate fanzine, from Yugoslavia in 1988. Somehow, the letter falls through the cracks, and remains unopened for 25 years. Last week, the letter is found, and printed. The skaters then go on a mission to find the guy who wrote the letter.... - Iain Baker
this is rad. thanks for sharing! - kendrak
Elderly Man Wins Sex with Hookers, Chokes to Death Hours Before Prize - http://gawker.com/elderly...
o_0 - Iain Baker
I keep forgetting that Howard Stern is still being broadcast by satellite. - Victor Ganata
Sleigh The UK drops in at Birmingham's O2 Academy - Birmingham Mail - http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/whats-o...
we're a MIDLANDS band? Oh well - Iain Baker
gee you learn something new everyday... - VALZONE#SCREWED
hahahahahaha - Iain Baker
▶ Bob Burnquist - Mega Ollie to Fakie - Globe - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Woah! Not sure how many of you skate, or can appreciate what he's doing here, but it scarcely seems possible. Seriously impressive skills. - Iain Baker
Bob's crazy. He's got a huge backyard park down in California, with a loop because he wanted to try and see if he could ride all the way through it, and then at one point they gapped the upper portion, to make it even more interesting. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Yeah - his bowl is the only one i've seen which has vert ramp sizing, but in a bowl. He can transfer all of his moves from a flat wall, to a bowl. I'm pretty sure other skaters must turn up, take one look at it, and crap themselves. Those concrete walls are pretty scary. - Iain Baker
Rehearsing. Tour starts Tuesday.
I'm going to head off to an Xmas office party, and it's not my office. I don't have an office. I'm basically crashing it, and freeloading. This could get messy.
Free drinks? Free food? Free fun? Do it!! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Just tell them you helped save Friendfeed, if they give you a hard time. That should entitle you to some goodies. (at least in my world it does; YMMV) - April Russo (FForever!)
Digital Super 8 - Current Projects - hayesurban - http://hayesurban.com/current...
This looks really cool - Iain Baker
I wonder where my old cameras are.... - Nine DataAngel Ferdinand
Heh, the film I used to apply to film school was shot on Super 8 film. Had to send it off to Kodak for processing and everything. - Derrick
I think i'd like Led Zep IV more, if it DIDN'T have Stairway on it
in other news, I am defrosting my freezer. It appears to be almost completely full of ice
I suspect it is not ice of the cocktail serving type. - That's So CAJ!
Soft Machine - Seven(1973) - Full Album - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I love it when an obsession comes out of nowhere. I'm currently playing "nettle bed", the first track on this album, about 20 times a day. - Iain Baker
aaargh, hootsuite seems t be having a brainfart :(
▶ The Wrecking Crew: Movie Trailer - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Wow. What a body of work. - Iain Baker
▶ If I Were A Carpenter by Bobby Darin (1966) - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Damn, what a fantastic song - and what a great version, too. - Iain Baker
Still plugging away at this app project, hoping to launch in time for the tour (in a weeks time - eek!)
it's kind of a fan newsletter thing. Very old school. Remember going to gigs and getting programmes? Kind of like that, crossed with a monthly fan club newsletter. Fan clubs were great, and no-one bothers now, which is stupid. There's the technology to make something great, so we're trying. It's not great yet, but it's got potential. - Iain Baker
hahahaha - Iain Baker
Steely Dan – Bodhisattva - http://www.last.fm/music...