The end of the Facebook era -
"With each passing year, Facebook struggles to keep the attention of the future generation. Studies show that the number of teens active on Facebook has declined as much as 16% in Q3 of 2013. This foreshadows the inevitable exodus to the next generation of social networks" - Iain Baker
But what if they ALL COME HERE?? - Iain Baker
That would be GREAT! - Spidra Webster
That would truly be a mixed blessing. - Anne Bouey
I dunno. I have more control over what I see on my feed here than there. I think it would allow you to follow new people you like and unsub/block those you don't. - Spidra Webster
I think the lesson of ff, is how adaptable it can be - it's a blank canvas, whereas fb is more of an enforced template. - Iain Baker
I thought teens were using Twitter & Kik more. - Gabrielle
What Heisenberg said. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Snapchat is the future (for ~5 months). - Stephen Mack
The teens are leaving but are the adults staying? I see lots of my old school friends on there. Long tail etc - Johnny
FFForever! - Jim #teamFFrank
I think ff could totally give teens the false sense of privacy they are looking for. Create a family user (jic) and a friend user account and never the twain shall meet. Then when they start wanting to share things with their family again they can return to fb if it still exists - FriendFeedForever
Until enough people join FF that Fb notices and starts "improving" it. - bentley
+1, Anne. - Derrick
I still believe FF works as well as it does *precisely* because it's invisible and not cool. What works with 2 million (or so?) users wouldn't work as well with 200 million. - walt crawford
Once parents and grandparents were getting on it, I knew that it would be uncool for the kids. My 13 yo kid is ignoring FB, which is fine with me. He does his social networking through Minecraft and Skype at the same time. - Joe