Still plugging away at this app project, hoping to launch in time for the tour (in a weeks time - eek!)
it's kind of a fan newsletter thing. Very old school. Remember going to gigs and getting programmes? Kind of like that, crossed with a monthly fan club newsletter. Fan clubs were great, and no-one bothers now, which is stupid. There's the technology to make something great, so we're trying. It's not great yet, but it's got potential. - Iain Baker
tablets initially (via itunes) . Going the obvious route first, see if there's traction, before we break it out a bit - Iain Baker
Got someone doing the back end, someone doing business, and me being on the creative/music biz liason side. I think it's all being done in Quark - Iain Baker
Christopher, Quark is what we used to use before InDesign. It's grown some interactive features in recent years - as has ID, with the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Sarah was born early because Quark 3 was late. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
It's not what I'd develop an app in, but my development expertise runs to kindergarten-level php and an extreme fondness for CSS. I shouldn't be developing anything more complicated than WordPress layouts. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Or, shall I say, I'm not ready to develop any more than that. I would think some Ruby on Rails or Cocoa would be more relevant. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
That said, it is possible to produce apps of a sort using only the tools in the Adobe Creative Suite. If you pay the tax ($350/project), you can sell them on the app store. Or, if you subscribe to the Creative Cloud. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Very. I'm this far on my own, with only Codecademy, which I fly through. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
It's your name. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
My connection has slowed - I'm testing Backblaze, but I only let it run after midnight. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
I'm old enough to be many designers' mother, as I'm sure you know. I've been a designer myself since before some of them were born. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Speaking of people the ages of my children . . . - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Oh, please. Mary is fine. Sarah's friends used to call me that when they were three. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
You might have a problem with a certain @bmull74. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
So I would be learning Ruby and Python from a preschooler . . . - Mary B: #TeamMonique
That is why I call you Christopher. It defines the line between love (because after all you are Akiva's close friend) and like (which has varied with my experience of you over the years.) - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Not whom you love - but whom I do. Which you once asked. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
I didn't realize I'd created a monster in Jimminy. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
BEST OF DAY - Iain Baker
Poor Iain. This was supposed to be about your app. I should rename myself Auntie Threadjacker. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Okay - pills and bed for me, comment deletion for Christopher. Since he's going to do that anyway. And maybe I should delete mine too. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
I'll see what things look like in the morning. ;-) - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Hell, let's shoot for BEST OF WEEK - Iain Baker
Very possible. - Iain Baker
PIC PLS THX - Iain Baker
Actually, that is cool. Gnight, lovelies. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
hahahaha - Iain Baker