Scientists Compile The Ultimate Workout Playlist - Business Insider -
If this list contains any Katy Perry, I'm going to be offended. - Hookuh Tinypants
*clicks link* *is offended* - Hookuh Tinypants
I would maybe listen to one or two of these songs while running...but the majority of way... - furrworld
I'd call that the Ultimate NOPE Playlist. - vicster.
The only songs off here that I have for my running playlist are "Can't Hold Us", "Get Lucky", and "Applause", and they're actually on my "secondary" playlist - AKA the one I put on when we're doing training and just looking for background noise. - Hookuh Tinypants
Isn't "Can't Hold Us" that song that the new casino plays in the ads that run over and over andoverandoverandoverandover? That would explain my aversion to it, anyway. - vicster.
I am so glad I currently live too far north to get Bay Area channels. I think that may change in two weeks when I move though... :( - Hookuh Tinypants
Just replace the songs you don't like with ones at a similar BPM and duration. For me that's all of them. - Mo Kargas
What? No Jesus Jones?! Hrmph! - LB's Not Leaving
hahahahahaha - Iain Baker