BBC News - Palmerston: The island at the end of the earth -
"It is one of the most isolated island communities in the world. The tiny Pacific island of Palmerston is visited by a supply ship twice a year - at most - and the long and hazardous journey deters all but the most intrepid visitors. What's more, most of its 62 inhabitants are descended from one man - an Englishman who settled there 150 years ago. Nine days of constant movement. Nine days in a boat, unable to stand. Nine days with the fear of being hit by a tropical storm, thousands of miles from rescue. The Pacific Ocean is big. Far bigger than one would imagine. This is the journey to the island at the end of the earth." - Iain Baker
this looks like the only place in the world you could rest, relax, and not be bothered by asshats. - Iain Baker
If they had wifi, I would consider living there. - Joe
the dating options are somewhat reduced, but hey, I see palm trees, I see blue sky. - Roux
But this is a *huge* story--that or casual sexism. There are 62 inhabitants all descended from one man, apparently without the involvement of, you know, women! - walt crawford