Eric - Final Countdown

Eric Beehler is too busy to be here but can't stay away.
Welp, it looks like the 90s all over again. Bush v Clinton; it's a lock. What other 90's trends will make a comeback?
I've seen Sabrina the Teenage Witch on my TV again. - Eric - Final Countdown
Girl Meets World is already on the air. - Eric - Final Countdown
Just need Clear Pepsi to make a comeback. - Eric - Final Countdown
My daughter shot me a look when I turned on Scrooged. I believe the quote was, "WHAT EVEN?!?" We are now watching Rudolph.
Hah. Started watching Scrooged with my boys tonight. They've never seen it. - Micah
Tree decorating time.
My wife just picked up this Crown Royal Apple. It's pretty damned good. Very seasonal. -
Looks delicious! - Chris Topher
John McCain blasts CIA torture hypocrites for 'rewriting history' -
""You can't claim that tying someone to the floor and having them freeze to death is not torture," McCain said on Face the Nation, citing one of the many grisly details contained in the Senate's report on the CIA's interrogation program. Later, McCain noted it was hypocritical to claim waterboarding wasn't torture because the U.S. tried and hanged Japanese soldiers for waterboarding American prisoners in World War II. Former Bush administration officials and many Republican lawmakers have defended the interrogation program as necessary to produce valuable intelligence, with some claiming the harsh tactics did not amount to torture. --Jon Terbush" - Eric - Final Countdown
“Fuck tha Police” in Historical Context -
"“Sirens sounded, he seemed astounded Before long the lil’ boy got surrounded He dropped the gun, so went the glory And this is the way I have to end this story He was only seventeen, in a madman’s dream The cops shot the kid, I still hear him scream…”" - Eric @ CS Techcast
Listening to 20-somethings on a business call is like watching a reality show on Bravo. Same drama, and totally avoidable.
Don't Hire Anyone Over 30: Ageism in Silicon Valley -
"Overt bigotry against older workers — we’re talking about anyone over 30 here — has been baked into the Valley’s infantile attitudes since the dot-com crash 14 years ago. Life may begin at 50 elsewhere, but in the tech biz the only thing certain about middle age is unemployment." - Eric - Final Countdown
Reading From Scratch: Inside the Food Network. So far, these guys are nuts!
Anyone know the difference between pre-war and post-war gin? I searched and found an ad from 1948.
Leaked: The Nightmare Email Drama Behind Sony's Steve Jobs Disaster -
"The permanently upcoming Steve Jobs biopic has been hotly anticipated since it was first reported nearly three years ago. We're still waiting. And according to newly leaked emails out of Sony Pictures, trying to get it off the ground was a total clusterfuck: name-calling, Angelina Jolie-trashing, lying, and begging." - Eric - Final Countdown
"the masturbatory call is a wank I have no time for." - Steve C, Team Marina
The issue arises again, is this car worth $2000 in repairs.
Oh, and where does one find $2000? - Eric - Final Countdown
Annoyed wife over here. And I like this car. Maybe not to the tune of $2000 more - Elena
Owner reclaims sheep wearing holiday sweater -
"A sheep wearing a festive red-and-green sweater who was found wandering around Omaha has been reunited with his owner. Nebraska Humane Society spokeswoman Pam Wiese says someone reclaimed the sheep, named Gage, Tuesday evening. The Humane Society was caring for Gage after he was found Sunday evening in an Omaha neighborhood. Gage shares a shed with two chickens, when he isn't in his owner's house. Weise says the owner doesn't know how Gage got loose. The owner learned about his whereabouts from Facebook because of publicity surrounding the animal. Weise says the owner had several photos of Gage to prove he's her pet. Gage is used to walking on a leash and doesn't seem to mind that the holiday apparel he donned appears to have been designed for a dog." - Eric - Final Countdown
There's a woman who raises goats for "wool" and she also puts them in sweaters. - Spidra Webster
Go Biz Mark Go Biz Mark
Florida woman arrested after fight with twin sister over vibrator, boyfriend -
Posted without comment - Eric - Final Countdown
What Anna said. - Alix May
Obamas' Personal Chef, Healthy Eating Advocate Sam Kass, Leaves White House -
"Despite no formal culinary training, Kass—who was married earlier this year and is moving to New York, where his wife lives—has worked for the Obamas for years, building the first family's meals around seasonal produce and serving as the White House's first-ever senior advisor on nutrition. "I leave feeling proud of our accomplishments," Kass told Fast Company, "but with a heavy heart." During his time in the White House, Kass did everything from home brewing beer from locally sourced honey to serving as executive director of Let's Move!, Michelle Obama's anti-childhood obesity initiative. "The cooking side is the easier way to be creative," Kass told Fast Company in 2011. "On the policy side, it's harder to think of new approaches to problems." Despite the challenges, Kass made strides with his policy role. One of his and Mrs. Obama's biggest victories was getting Walmart to lower the price of its fruits and veggies and reduce the sugar, salt, and fat in private-label products on its shelves." - Eric - Final Countdown
During yearly reviews, is there anything worse than doing your own self-evaluation?
I usually fill mine out with mathematical equations. - Steven Perez
Party-Sized Chicken Parmesan Sandwiches -
Chicken parm you taste so good - Eric - Final Countdown
Dammit, man. You're making me hungry and I just ate! Pizza, Chicken Parm, Phillies. WANT. NOW. - Hookuh Tinypants
I went down the rabbit hole. - Eric - Final Countdown
The Best Cheesesteaks in Philadelphia -
"A truly great cheesesteak harnesses the powers of bread, meat, and cheese, and, like Captain Planet, becomes an ass-kicking sandwich hero far greater than the sum of its parts. It is a magnificent trifecta of juicy, thin-cut beef; crisp, chewy roll; and tangy, salty, gooey cheese. Let's just say that if Proust lived in Philadelphia, he would have written about cheesesteaks instead of madeleines." - Eric - Final Countdown
The Best Frozen Pizza, PERIOD. -
"To me, all those "fancy" frozen pizzas are bland. They think they've taken real "pizza" and frozen it. They make what I call "Pizza That Is Frozen" and not "FROZEN PIZZA." Frozen Pizza revels in its crappiness. It amps up the flavor with an ingredients list of junk you probably don't want to look too closely at. It's "pizza" in the same way a Big Mac is a "hamburger" or Taco Bell is a "taco." If you suspend your disbelief, I believe you can thoroughly enjoy it for what it is." - Eric - Final Countdown
Totino's was my brand when i ate these regularly. i have Totino's pizza rolls in the freezer right now because of an odd craving a while back. :D - holly #ravingfangirl
"What is their uniform orange? You know what would make sense, if their uniforms were yellow and green. Then it would make brown" -My daughter on the Cleveland Browns gross uniforms
My weekend starts after 9PM.
Spinach, barley grass, wheat grass, artichoke; what in the hell am I drinking?
Sounds like a party drink for a rabbit. - Anika
Elena wins. - LB ❤s FF
If I see one more comment on a Peter Pan story on why they would cast a girl as Peter Pan...
Everyone in my house has asked me that question. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Hillary Clinton On Michael Brown, Eric Garner: Criminal Justice System "Out Of Balance" -
"“Now more broadly, each of us has to grapple with some hard truths about race and justice in America. Because despite all the progress we’ve made together, African Americans, most particularly African-American men, are still more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes, and sentenced to longer prison terms,” Clinton said Thursday at the Massachusetts Conference for Women in Boston. “And when one stops and realizes a third of all black men face the prospect of prison during their lifetimes, what devastating consequences that has for their families and their communities and all of us.”" - Eric - Final Countdown
Poor Hillary this is some of that populism her and Bill were never comfortable with. Watching her attempting to move left is painful. #theoligarchcandidate - WarLord
OTOH listening to Rand Paul talk about "cigarette taxes" makes her empty pointless platitudes seems Churchillian - WarLord
Yeah, Rand Paul sounds a little crazy with that explanation. - Eric - Final Countdown
Jenna Bush Admits to "Hanky Panky" on the White House Roof -
On the Obama girls. "I'm fiercely protective of them, obviously. It's not easy, and it's not a job that they wanted. And so it's hard! I mean I, obviously, heh, had a hard time. But it's also a privilege. So I mean...they've done an incredible job." - Eric - Final Countdown
Isn't that where the other Hellmouth is? - Steven Perez
GOP Staffer Who Attacked Obama Girls Was Arrested During Her Own "Awful Teen Years" -
"Lauten, pictured above, was arrested in December 2000 for misdemeanor larceny, according to court records. Lauten, then 17, was collared for stealing from a Belk department store in her North Carolina hometown. Because Lauten was a first-time offender, her case was handled via the District Court’s deferred prosecution program, which resulted in the charge’s eventual dismissal after the future scold stayed out of trouble for a prescribed period. Since Lauten was just another teenager caught shoplifting at the mall, it appears unlikely that she was publicly pilloried for her lack of class, nor were her parents criticized as poor role models." - Eric - Final Countdown
By the logic of most of her crew, as punishment she should've been executed and her body left in the summer sun for nearly 5 hours. - Anika
Ferguson PD Chief: ‘Pursuing’ Investigation Into Whether Brown Stepdad Incited Riot -
They just have no idea. No idea. - Eric - Final Countdown
No idea and no shame. - John (bird whisperer)
Assholes - Friar Will
So, doing his job started a riot? - Steven Perez
Can I have this apple, please? The things my kids ask permission to do. No, you can't have a healthy apple, you must eat these choco-sticks.
I dip the apple in chocolate and then give it to her :) - Elena
But it does make me very proud that our children have such good manners. - Elena
^^ This. - Spidra Webster