Obamas' Personal Chef, Healthy Eating Advocate Sam Kass, Leaves White House - http://www.fastcompany.com/3039622...
"Despite no formal culinary training, Kass—who was married earlier this year and is moving to New York, where his wife lives—has worked for the Obamas for years, building the first family's meals around seasonal produce and serving as the White House's first-ever senior advisor on nutrition. "I leave feeling proud of our accomplishments," Kass told Fast Company, "but with a heavy heart." During his time in the White House, Kass did everything from home brewing beer from locally sourced honey to serving as executive director of Let's Move!, Michelle Obama's anti-childhood obesity initiative. "The cooking side is the easier way to be creative," Kass told Fast Company in 2011. "On the policy side, it's harder to think of new approaches to problems." Despite the challenges, Kass made strides with his policy role. One of his and Mrs. Obama's biggest victories was getting Walmart to lower the price of its fruits and veggies and reduce the sugar, salt, and fat in private-label products on its shelves." - Eric - Final Countdown