The issue arises again, is this car worth $2000 in repairs.
Oh, and where does one find $2000? - Eric - Final Countdown
Wow. $2000 seems awfully steep to repair a car. How old is the car? - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Year is 2000. Needs new transmission carrier bearings, seals, one of the cv axle boots, and fix a power steering leak. - Eric - Final Countdown
Well, I think we're going to fix it up. Once this is done it should be smooth sailing for at least another couple years. I just don't want a car payment right now. - Eric - Final Countdown
Seems my car troubles happen a few weeks before yours. Same issues, too. My car's been in the shop for 2 weeks now. Trying to decide if it's worth it to fix. I need reliable transportation & can't afford a new car or to repair. - Anika
For me I'm not going to roll the dice on a cheap used car. It's the devil you know versus the devil you don't. - Eric - Final Countdown
Annoyed wife over here. And I like this car. Maybe not to the tune of $2000 more - Elena