The Best Frozen Pizza, PERIOD. -
"To me, all those "fancy" frozen pizzas are bland. They think they've taken real "pizza" and frozen it. They make what I call "Pizza That Is Frozen" and not "FROZEN PIZZA." Frozen Pizza revels in its crappiness. It amps up the flavor with an ingredients list of junk you probably don't want to look too closely at. It's "pizza" in the same way a Big Mac is a "hamburger" or Taco Bell is a "taco." If you suspend your disbelief, I believe you can thoroughly enjoy it for what it is." - Eric - Final Countdown
Ha! Totino's was our late night pizza when I was in high school. I almost bought one the other day to see if I could still stomach it. - Katy S
I remember just loving the 2/$1 Tony's you could get when I was in college when I was in a serious pinch. - Jennifer Dittrich
My grandmother was Keeper of the Frozen Pizzas when I was a kid, and she always had Jeno's and Mama Celeste in her freezer. Any other brands were scoffed at. Even better though - Jeno's Pizza Rolls. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu---- *drools* - Hookuh Tinypants
Totino's was my brand when i ate these regularly. i have Totino's pizza rolls in the freezer right now because of an odd craving a while back. :D - holly #ravingfangirl