Florida woman arrested after fight with twin sister over vibrator, boyfriend - http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...
Posted without comment - Eric - Final Countdown
I'm not sure who's the evil twin in that scenario. Possibly both. - Jennifer Dittrich
Gotdamned Florida. - Hookuh Tinypants
Orlando specifically #NotAllOfFlorida - t-ra is ugly crying
I haven't read the article, so my question is, are the vibrator and boyfriend two separate entities, or were they calling the vibrator the boyfriend? - vicster.
It sounds like two separate entities, but they don't give further detail about exactly how the two relate to each other or if they even do. So did the one twin use the other twin's vibrator and boyfriend? Did she use the vibrator on the boyfriend? Did she use the boyfriend instead of the vibrator? Who does the vibrator belong to exactly? Who fights over vibrators? - Hookuh Tinypants
"the verbal argument soon turned to blows" :D - Big Joe Silenced
Her last name is Creamer. I mean. Dude. - Hookuh Tinypants
Dos. muchos. - Micah
This thread is perfect - MoTO Boychick Devil
Florida is a fucking mess. But, different parts are messy in different ways. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
FriendFeed meets real life. - Xabaras (G.O.)
And they took her to a prison for manatees. - Brian Johns
What Anna said. - Alix May