What do you do when it's raining outside?
Read, play games, go online... go outside? - Tanath
I went to the movies with my girlfriend...then to a great Italian restaurant... :) - Skye Miller
Great Halloween until a valet service crashed my car right infront of Bret and me... :(
wow, bummer. how badly did they crash it? what did they hit? - bob
too painful to share a photo? - j1m
Google Maps - Elections '08 - http://maps.google.com/help...
Obama Wins in Landslide!!! Note: results based on entirely unscentific survey of the two mail-in ballots the mailman just picked up from our house. - Steve C, Team Marina
Remember, the only way to help the win you want happen is to get off your buttocks and Vote! - Aaron the Librarian
Bill Gates Has Started a New Company, bgC3 - ReadWriteWeb - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive...
Storm Cell at Sunset - http://flickr.com/photos...
The Glow in the Dark Cat on Yahoo! Video - http://video.yahoo.com/watch...
not sure whether i think this is really silly or whether I want a cat like this. They say something that makes it sound like the research they did to make him glow would help people somehow, but they never explained how. :( - Rachel Lea Fox
Shiba Inu Puppy Cam, Ustream.TV: Shiba Inu Puppy Cam. Travel&Nature,Webcam - http://www.ustream.tv/channel...
This is so cute. It's a live cam of these tiny pups... - Karen Padham Taylor
Where is the "buy now" button?? - Jeanette Bosman
I can't stop watching this...they are sooo adorable! - Karen Padham Taylor
Presidential Election 2008 Cartoons - http://preselection2008.blogspot.com/
Hilarious set of cartoons! - Pras Sarkar
The Political Cartoon Dig at McSame/Palin - Democratic Underground - http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss...
KickingTires: 2008 Los Angeles Auto Show: Mini E Electric Car - http://blogs.cars.com/kicking...
I want one!!! - Karen Padham Taylor
I have always loved the Mini. This makes it even better. - Sarah Leary
10 Geeky Marriage Proposals - http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2008...
I LOVE this one:" 2. …in Bejeweled. Earlier this year, a Jersey City man spent a month reprogramming Bejeweled so that when his girlfriend reached a high score, it would reward her with, “Marry me!” They are planning a Bejeweled-themed wedding, and PopCap has donated copies of the game for their guests." - Rachel Lea Fox
Hahaha, tweethearts, silly! - Danielle Closs
ginger's-obama-sign on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
I thought they gave away the signs? - Victor Ryden 美久太阿
When i got my bumper sticker they asked for a $1 donation. - Georgia
Vote Obama or McCain: Global Electoral College | The Economist - http://www.economist.com/vote200...
Very interesting to see most of the world would vote for Obama. - Karen Padham Taylor
Traffic Deaths Spike on Election Day - US News and World Report - http://health.usnews.com/article...
"After crunching traffic fatality numbers, researchers discovered that Americans were about 18 percent more likely to die in accidents during polling hours on presidential election days than on other Tuesdays." - Karen Padham Taylor
GM falls to 1950 levels; European sales stung - MarketWatch - http://www.marketwatch.com/news...
As GM goes... - Richard Chen
Canada Tops List Of Soundest Banking Systems : NPR - http://www.npr.org/templat...
"The credit crisis is forcing investors to ask, "Which banks are safe?" According to a survey from the World Economic Forum, Canada has the world's most solid banking system. Next on the list are Sweden, Luxembourg and Australia. The U.S. ranked 40th, behind Germany, Chile and Namibia. Britain, which used to be ranked in the top five, dropped to 44th place." - Karen Padham Taylor
I can't fly for 72 hours b/c of a bad ear infection :(
Oh no! Hope you get better soon! - Ross Miller
Thanks! Such a bummer. I am mostly bummed to miss this a cool workshop in Portland... - Karen Padham Taylor
How awful! Get well before Friday!!! - Shannon Jiménez
:( Owww! Ear aches are really a bummer. - Skye Miller
Examining America's presidential candidates | Examining the candidates | The Economist - http://www.economist.com/world...
Six Products, Six Carbon Footprints - WSJ.com - http://online.wsj.com/article...
Watching the vice presidential debate... I will move back to Canada if McCain/Palin wins in Nov....
I'm so annoyed that both McCain and Palin are very condescending in these debates... - Karen Padham Taylor
robin, you that as if it was not obvious that no one is ever serious :-) (present company excepted, of course!) - j1m
Airports should have more power outlets. How hard is that?
So terrorists can plug in their bombs???? - Brian Johns
You say that as if user experience was somehow a potential consideration of the people who make airports and airplane rides. Do you think it might be? I don't see many signs. - j1m
Don't you have a day job, j1m? - Jim Norris
Nasdaq to cancel some late trades in Google shares - http://www.reuters.com/article...
Sarah Palin Quotes Generator : Fictional - http://palinquotes.sillycloud.com/
I think I may have heard this one at some point: "And as Ronald Reagan believed that who's more apt to be talking about solutions, we are getting into crisis mode here." - Tom Stocky
Accelerated sore throat. I hate planes....
Hope you're feeling better soon. - Anne Bouey
:( sorry to hear you are under the weather...feel better soon! - Skye Miller
In chicago...
Have some Chicago deep dish pizza for me. - April Buchheit
Dow Falls More Than 400 Points - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2008...
Tina Fey As Sarah Palin: Katie Couric SNL Skit (VIDEO) - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008...
It seemed like most of her response to the bailout question was copied word-for-word from the real Sarah Palin's response. - j1m
That is more frightening than a parodied response. - Jeff Eddings
BMW builds a luxury hybrid sedan | Car Tech: An automotive blog from CNET - CNET Reviews - http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13...
The mercedes S400 is also pretty exciting (coming 2009): http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13... - Sanjeev Singh