Watching the vice presidential debate... I will move back to Canada if McCain/Palin wins in Nov....
I'm so annoyed that both McCain and Palin are very condescending in these debates... - Karen Padham Taylor
Canada: another country that Palin can see from her house. - Brian Johns
Yeah - I agree!! Palin can't answer a question. She's just talking about things she wants to talk about. It's so frustrating... - Karen Padham Taylor
OMG!!! I had to walk away from the debate....She is so annoying!! I would kick the TV, but my knee would suffer too much!!! - Skye Miller
My violent coughing had subsided until I started listening to her "responses". Ugh. - Dan Hsiao
You're my second friend who has said that. So now my fingers are crossed that they win because I want you all to move home! - jenn schachter
Well I was watching the Canadian debate, I took a minute here and there to listen to the USA one, and Palin just loves beating around the bush on questions. - Herman
Herman: I agree about Palin not answering questions. It's really frustrating to see she's getting decent press and NO ONE is showing clips when she openly says that she sometimes wont answer the moderator or Biden's questions...that she wants to talk to the people. That's BS. It's a debate, not her time to rant about things she's comfortable talking about. I was really annoyed by the moderator too. She wasn't able to press on Palin to answer questions. If we had last week's moderator, I think the outcome would have been different. - Karen Padham Taylor
Mike said he wanted to move to Canada if McCain wins, I said we should go to New Zealand instead. I was glad to finally get to see both of them speak. - amelia arapoff
Karen, if they win, I pledge a dollar towards your ticket, as a sign of friendship and bipartisanship. - ComicList
something people say every election... And no one ever moves. - robin k
robin, you that as if it was not obvious that no one is ever serious :-) (present company excepted, of course!) - j1m