Citigroup Said to Consider Plan to Split in Two - -
Pierce Brosnan pranked on set - Snotr -
YouTube - Carolina Camera: The Sling Shot Man -
An incredible encounter! -
Project Excelsior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
"The first test, Excelsior I, was made on November 16, 1959. Kittinger ascended in the gondola and jumped from an altitude of 23,287 m (76,400 ft).[1] In this first test, the stabilizer chute was deployed too soon, catching Kittinger around the neck and causing him to spin at 120 revolutions per minute. This caused Kittinger to lose consciousness, but his life was saved by his main chute which opened automatically at a height of 3,048 m (10,000 ft). Despite this near-disaster on the first test, Kittinger went ahead with another test only three weeks later. The second test, Excelsior II, was made on December 11, 1959. This time, Kittinger jumped from an altitude of 22,769 m (74,700 ft)[1] and descended in free-fall for 16,764 m (55,000 ft) before opening his main chute." - Karen Padham Taylor
Great pictures of the garden-- we'll have to send some to Tita! - Shannon Jiménez
Wow!! Karen, these pics are gorgeous!! Love the family photos!! :) - Skye Miller
Corporate Logos for 2009 - Vox -
I'm not a fan of Air Canada right now....Argh...
1 hour later...waiting on the phone....Air Canada, you won this time.... I give up... - Karen Padham Taylor
What's your favorite charity organization? - April Buchheit
I must second Joel's endorsment of I have heard some wonderful stories about the impact they've made all over the world. - Jeanette Bosman
My baby picture meme :)
Darling!!! - Skye Miller
Heading out to Washington DC!
Have a great trip!! - Skye Miller
So tired...
seems like the story of my life lately... - Emily Miller
THE YEAR 1908 What a Difference a Century Makes « Las Vegas Realtor Scot Savage’s Weblog -
"Ninety percent of all doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION" - Karen Padham Taylor
"The population of Las Vegas , Nevada, was only 30!!!!" - Karen Padham Taylor
Whack-a-Mouse - CollegeHumor video -
YouTube - Dubai Skyscraper twists and spins -
If you could receive one car for free, any make, model, or era, what would it be? - DeWitt Clinton
That Lotus will be looking for a new home next month: - Richard Chen
LA Auto Show!
Walk down Pico and eat at El Parian - Casey Muller
Hope you had a wonderful trip! - Anne Bouey
mmmmm I still dont know what we eat there :P - Mariano Amartino
Going shopping in Seville soon. Can't wait...
i suggest you check out calle sierpes if you want some nice stuff, including flamenco-style dresses and clothes from spanish designers, but there are usually better deals (especially for shoes) on calle san jacinto because fewer tourists go there. - Jessie
also, for good flamenco music and dancing, go to casa de la memoria on calle ximenez de enciso in barrio santa cruz. it's inexpensive and the venue is small, but the performance quality is much better than you will find at the tablados. - Jessie
Economy takes its toll on Hollywood -
"Production will drop significantly," said D. Jeffrey Andrick, managing director of Citibank unit Continental Entertainment Capital. "Some of the players who are here now, won't be. And those who are here will be making fewer movies." - Karen Padham Taylor
The world’s most super-designed data center – fit for a James Bond villain -
I know where I want to work now. - Steven Bryden
In Madrid...
Have so much fun!! :) - Skye Miller
Barack Obama: The 50 facts you might not know - Telegraph -
"He is left-handed – the sixth post-war president to be left-handed" Woohoo! - Rob Schonberger
"He wears $1,500 Hart Schaffner Marx suits" He could get 100 suits with the standard post-convention $150,000 wardrobe budget. - Gabe
A Doctor, a Mutation and a Potential Cure for AIDS - -
not mentioned in the article, but you have this because it is also helpful against the black plague. there is a cool Discover show about the find of mutation. - paulm
In San Diego...
Obama, Assembling Team, Turns to the Economy -
"Mr. Obama and Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. will meet on Friday with members of a new economic advisory board. The group, assembled to offer wide-ranging advice, includes the billionaire investor Warren Buffett; Mr. Summers and his predecessor as Treasury secretary, Robert E. Rubin; Paul A. Volcker, a former Federal Reserve chairman; and Eric E. Schmidt, the chief executive of Google." - Karen Padham Taylor
A Plan to Promote Cookbooks - Give Away Recipes Online at - -
"Cookstr, which will be supported by advertising revenues, will aggregate recipes from published cookbooks. All of the authors will have their own pages, with biographies, links to recipes and books, and in the case of restaurant chefs, links to their locations on Google maps." - Karen Padham Taylor
What do you do when it's raining outside?
Read, play games, go online... go outside? - Tanath
I went to the movies with my girlfriend...then to a great Italian restaurant... :) - Skye Miller