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"The first test, Excelsior I, was made on November 16, 1959. Kittinger ascended in the gondola and jumped from an altitude of 23,287 m (76,400 ft).[1] In this first test, the stabilizer chute was deployed too soon, catching Kittinger around the neck and causing him to spin at 120 revolutions per minute. This caused Kittinger to lose consciousness, but his life was saved by his main chute which opened automatically at a height of 3,048 m (10,000 ft). Despite this near-disaster on the first test, Kittinger went ahead with another test only three weeks later. The second test, Excelsior II, was made on December 11, 1959. This time, Kittinger jumped from an altitude of 22,769 m (74,700 ft)[1] and descended in free-fall for 16,764 m (55,000 ft) before opening his main chute." - Karen Padham Taylor