If anyone is still here, check out my new product - https://quip.com/. The blog post explaining the launch is at https://quip.com/blog....
I would like to try this quip thing but how can I be sure that you won't sell your new product to Facebook again and ruin it? - Ehsanislav
We already thought you were dead and have written the eulogy. To sum up it says what the hell are you doing and why the hell this damn search does not work? Then we kept on festivities. - Summer
Settle down, folks. - Johnny
I'm not really impressed by the product but your PR is doing incredible work. <Dost acı söyler mode> - Yusuf Arslan
there's nobody there, actually - .mau.
Please tell your old co-worker to fix FF's search functionality. - selimok
Akşam Kanyon'da mısın? - godot aslan
bret DM - doper
Can you please reboot the search server for ff? then maybe I'll check your new product. - Koray Al
FF rock! Please re-buy FF from facebook they are tring to kill it! and please DO SEARCH! - wolly
Bret pliz ya nolur! - selimok
The picture viewing procedure would need a fix, too. Thanks! - naltro
if you're man, do images as before - Davide in the TARDIS
We are all fake here. - astry
Downloaded it last might. Will check it out today. - Eric @ CS Techcast
(we all are still there, no kidding): please fix: search and image mime type. REBUY FF from FB! - Federico Bolsoman
if you're man, rebuy! - yespa
FF need a revolution against FB! - selimok
Olmadı bu adama Quip üzerinden ulaşmak lazım, lan bebeğin ölüyor bişiler yap dimek duygulara hitab etmek lazım - selimok
yahu bebek dediğimiz FF! HELLO WAKE UP! - selimok
LOL, THIS THREAD!!! - Jim #teamFFrank
Wow, but really. is this a spam bot or should I truly try product? - FriendFeedForever
I feel compelled to say that Friendfeed is not an active product. If you hadn't figured that out, then here it is. Don't expect any support or fixes to anything. http://www.quora.com/FriendF... - Eric @ CS Techcast
As far as Quip goes, I now have a reason to break out the Bluetooth keyboard with my iPad! I am a Word user by default so I'll be testing out the copy/paste solution detailed on that TechCrunch article extensively as that is where final docs will end up. I'll write my next article in Quip and let you know how I feel. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Yeah Eric we know that FF isn't supported anymore, but we demand more attention from Facebook side, because we are the turkish community using friendfeed actively as a discussion platform. It is really important to us, because FF gives us the possibility to express ourself freely (in freedom of speech manner) without any political restriction. We don't need any new features, no new design layout, no additional services, we demand only that FF works continue as it is. This should't be that difficult to let FF servers keep alive. - selimok
törkiş komuniti nerdesiniz la, bi destek atın - selimok
bi el atın beyler #yay - Koray Al
Yeah Eric we know that FF isn't supported anymore, but we demand more attention from Facebook side, because we are the turkish community using friendfeed actively as a discussion platform. It is really important to us, because FF gives us the possibility to express ourself freely (in freedom of speech manner) without any political restriction. We don't need any new features, no new design layout, no additional services, we demand only that FF works continue as it is. This should't be that difficult to let FF servers keep alive. - selimok - sosyalulas
I feel compelled to say that sarcasm does not translate well across borders. - naltro
zaten yerimizde zor duruyorduk sen kışkırttın bizi. şimdi sen düşün bret ! - sosyalulas
Bret, be a man, do the right thing, pay your child support, you cannot leave this site to its kader, it is like vatan, only there's no bloodshed and şehits but it is what it is and we are locked in. at least let us check out our data allahsız - otisaga
Of course, we're here! Congratulations. - Laura Norvig
We certainly are. Congratulations! - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Bret, Bret, I love you! Fix the search plz - reloj
... and password retrieval - deerstep
n.b. Bret quit Facebook months ago and no longer has access to the servers. - Spidra Webster
Please fix ff search. We are soldiers of mustafa keser. - Terra Barselonevî
He should have some lovely old co-workers. Bret please call your friends from facebook and tell about FFs problems. Do it please, if not we will not use your new product quip. - selimok
call zucky, tell him we are stuck in a pocket universe - deerstep
Please my friends be serious iki dakka lan - selimok
yorumlarin hepsini okudum bret sen haksizsin .... - Emrah Er
idil biret'in nesi oluyorsunuz? - sakat at
Installed - FriendFeedForever
Of course we are here, FF is like Tardis, bigger on the inside.. Broken and crazy sometimes but full of friends and companions ;) - CantorJF
FF is like Tardis,CantorJF - sosyalulas
everywhere is friendfeed, everywhere is resistance! - hailsematary
this is just the beginning, keep on struggling! Bret, do not be the Erdoğan of Friendfeed, respect people's thoughts!!!!!1111oneoneone - hailsematary
Fix that thing or we'll make it blocked here in turkey!!!!! We have a bully government and it loves to mess with foreign people. - Summer
we are the 99% !! - deerstep
Münevver +1 - Hernesto Mar Kubiarto
Topuklarina siktiricam!!!!! - Summer
i am from turkey. i am governor of frendfid. your life and president very successful - hacıkenks
Efendi ol Bret, seni oraya çıkardığımız gibi aşağı almasını da biliriz. Adam ol, adam, şu resim işini olsun düzelt aq! Sörç çalışmıyor, söyle onu da şaapsınlar, çocuğu koydun geştin kenara ipnetor, esnaf ol lan biraz. - Hernesto Mar Kubiarto
Bret Taylor is a succesfull CTO, and a charismatic programmer. These terrorists are trying to sabotage his new project quip, and serving against Bret with the Interest Lobby! These Turkish marauders are just trying the burn down friendfeed, they are sharing terrorist pdfs, videos and stuff. But Bret is kindly invited to Kazlıçeşme of internets, quup.com (yeap, not quip, that's just an unsuccesful clone of friendfeed) "STAND TIGHT, DO NOT LEAN, WE ARE WITH YOU!" Bret, Hülooooğ! (Happy ramadans from Istanbul ;) ) - hailsematary
adam yorumlara kızıp tümden kapattıracak ülennn, suyuna gidin biraz!!! - selimok
%50'yi zor tutuyoruz Bret - Batuhan Büyükgüzel
yav ziktiniz feedi afedersin. Bret please ignore them and let search happen, go Bret go! - selimok
İyi güldüm. :) Bret fuck you! - Oğuz Demirkapı ☮✌
Eric @cstechcast when was the last time you had been watching http://www.imdb.com/title... We, community of FrF (Turkish, Russian, English, whatever-else spoken) are those abandoned robots which don't get spares anymore because owner left company. - piikummitus
@jjjeffo: please, get in line for buying after the Russian community. - earlyadopter
"because we are the turkish community using friendfeed actively as a discussion platform" Ya for the sake of Allah (cCc), don't lie to our little friend. All you do is am - got - meme and you're atar yapmak to him. $ap, vallahi $ap!! - hz. ceku efendi
Si still here? IS STILL HERE??? - GePs
Ayrica yukarida soylendi mi bilmiyorum ama bu Bret olacak kopyaci pic bizim quup'u calmis, quip yapmis, simdi bize satiyor. BRET BROTHER! IF YOU'RE A MAN A LITTLE, YOU CHECK OUT WWW.QUUP.COM YOU LITTLE SON OF A HIC! - hz. ceku efendi
Aiiyy, bi' de iOS'cu cikti adam. Seni yerler Bret yerler, seni ham yapar bu Android'liler! Yaylanmadan yuru yoksa gunah bizden gider! In English: "They'll eat you Bret, eat you. They'll eat the shit out of you this Android people! Walk without hopping or the sin will be gone from us!" - hz. ceku efendi
ahahaha nasil kacirmisim bunu? sahaneymis.ise de yaramis, kirilan sorcler geri gelmis, elinize saglik gazaniz mubarek olsun. - grizabella
ulan kocam gelmiş kimse söylememiş!!!!!!111 - Bret Taylor&#39;ın Karısı
Akşam Kanyon'da mısın? - godot aslan - grizabella
We are all here, Bret Taylor. YOU left. - Francine Hardaway
@Bret ERP software needs Quip (40 y/o designs carry over from mini computer) - clive boulton
www.kanalhayat.tv - Kanal Hayat
Bret, please, give us source code. And data liberation. And we'll tell our children to tell their children to remember your name forever. - юдж
%50'yi zor tutuyoruz Bret - Batuhan Büyükgüzel - Calimero_メフメット