Mihai Parparita

WKWebView Communication Latency - http://blog.persistent.info/2015...
HTML Munging My Way To a React.js Conf Ticket - http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
Владимир Путин и Георгий Жженов - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I couldn't find a comprehensive list of the HTML tags that Gmail's sanitizer allows through, so I wrote one up: https://t.co/JokybNGJEA
W @annparparita (@ Mountain View Caltrain Station - @caltrain_news in Mountain View, CA w/ 4 others) https://t.co/TJrJLPPPBB
Happy to see that the new WebKit API (from iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite) is open source: http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
The Modern WebKit API is Open Source - http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
Using ASan with iOS Applications - http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
Wrote up a quick guide for getting ASan (https://t.co/W2kKEZBmfe) working with an iOS app: https://t.co/7I8pgdrC34
RT @quip: Start Monday off with a plan for the week in @Quip. Invite your team and "attack" it together. http://app.adjust.com/6a0vff_... https://twitter.com/quip...
I jumped through some hoops to add a keyboard shortcut for inspecting pages and UIWebViews on iOS http://t.co/NBVthDK98m
Adding Keyboard Shortcuts For Inspecting iOS Apps and Web Pages in Safari - http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
Someone forgot to flip their coordinate system. http://t.co/XHAAjno1qs
Prioritizing aesthetics over actual grilling knowledge #noideadog http://t.co/lokbXgshgf
RT @btaylor: Quip engineer @mihai attended WWDC last week, and these are the useful notes he wrote up for @quip's iOS team - https://t.co/YCxIJWyB28
RT @btaylor: Quip 2.0 is out today, and it's awesome - search, publishing, a new design, and Word export - https://t.co/gIcivn3ICw
Wrote a little tool for per-package method counts for Android DEX files: https://t.co/AyQZA5TKMi (backstory at http://blog.persistent.info/2014...)
Per-Package Method Counts for Android's DEX Format - http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
RT @quip: How the American Revolution might have gone down if the Founding Fathers used @Quip. #mobilefirst https://twitter.com/quip...
Is the web as singularly terrible of a platform as https://t.co/LIWMZ7URph makes it out to be? (serious question)
I took @quip's new API for a spin to create a data export tool http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
Getting ALL your data out of Quip - http://blog.persistent.info/2014...
RT @btaylor: The best part of code in @quip is that the collaboration features. Highlight and comment on code in design docs. https://twitter.com/btaylor...
RT @quip: .@TaskRabbit was supposed to deliver a bunny rabbit to @Quip. When it didn't come, we created a bunny thread #friday https://twitter.com/quip...
Today's JS surprise: >> r = /a/g >> s = "abc" >> r.test(s) true >> r.test(s) false >> r.test(s) true >> r.test(s) false >> r.test(s) true
Best part of working on comments+highlights for @quip was the 3-way parallel development (native on all platforms!) https://twitter.com/mihai...