Re: The Apple Watch Is Coming—And This Entrepreneur Will Tell You What Else People Are Buying -
"Owen, I haven't had that experience with the Shine. I've had two, and I wear mine every day. You can unlink Shine with the app. What I think is its biggest weakness is the fact that it can only link to one device, so no iPad-iPhone linking. I also wear a Pebble, and it links to that easily. If you'd like to offer me a media pass I'd like to cover the conference for the Phoenix Business Journal." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Facebook Today: A Scary and New Intersection of Our Digital and Real Lives -
"But wait. There's more. All your news via Facebook. You will never get off it. Facebook will replace the internet. That's the scary part." - Francine Hardaway
Re: The Fear Of Being Lost Without You -
"I wish I had the answer for this, but I don't. I've had four divorces and been widowed. Each time I was cut in two, no matter whether I was the leaver or the leavee. You develop a history that is shared, and you lose some of that when the relationship ends. It was only after the last husband died that I found out who I was. It's so tempting for women to hide behind the identity of a couple, and so wrong. On the other hand, it perpetuates the race. You have found a profession in San Francisco, you're good at it, you seem to like it, so stick around. On yet another hand, you could bring your new experience back to Phoenix:-)" - Francine Hardaway
Re: Firing Marissa Mayer from Yahoo would be a huge mistake -
"Thank you Jason. I don't have the clout to write this defense of Marissa and have it count for anything, but if I did, this is exactly what I'd write. I'm also leaving out the underlying women's issues here, although one ought to remember that Marissa has done all of this while bringing up a toddler. No matter how much help you have, there's some EQ time given to the toddler that maybe should have been given to Sorrell, but it would be nice to consider these CEOs as human beings, up or down." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Little Pork Chop coming back -
"Dave, thank you for your efforts. I do appreciate what you have developed and am grateful. Would you please whitelist ?" - Francine Hardaway
Re: Little Pork Chop coming back -
"I'd like to be white listed." - Francine Hardaway
Re: In Defense of Uber: An Unbiased Opinion -
"I usually agree with you 100% Mark, but today I do not. I think there is something evil about the lack of morality with which this generation of tech companies operates. And I roll the whole week's worth of news cum gossip com competitive intelligence into one big ball to criticize its lack of humanity. If you want to be a beloved brand, and there's money in that, you have to work at it. I will say it again: Uber needs to grow up about everything, from Godview to price gouging during surges to Emil Michel's comments. and that means someone has to take responsibility." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Little Pork Chop coming back -
"@hardaway or @azentrepreneurs" - Francine Hardaway
"Sorry about the cold, but I'm thrilled for you about the job. If there's any way I can help you and the team at The Daily Dot, please let me know." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Why You Don’t Want to Give Financial Information to All of Your Investors -
"Like everything else, AngelList has scaled, and once it scales the quality of the discourse and the advice can go down. Especially since the syndicates. Someone with a "reputation" can syndicate and get a carry, and that can become a "job" for them. It's ugly. As someone who has invested in startups for thirty years, I don't feel comfortable doing it now. Too much noise in the system, and too much deception. Like commercial real estate, it has become a big player's game, and along with that sometimes a con game. I have to tell you Mark, I'm not surprised. I do think you should "out" the person, for everyone's benefit. But this will not stop until the correction, in which many people on Angel List will lose money and go away. I can't wait. This is a super tough business, especially if you have a fiduciary responsibility for OPM, and there's no need to make it tougher by introducing fraud or near fraud." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Ebola is not like heart disease -
"When you say it's a global economy, I don't think you realize how many people -- even those who work in global businesses, like the big consulting firms -- still don't have a grip on that. And as for the general public, they've been conditioned by the movies about plagues. As a lifetime trained observer of the health care system, I can see that in America, Ebola is somewhat easily treated if the patient gets to the hospital early enough. We're afraid here, but we don't really need to be; we are not from a culture that thinks doctors in HazMat suits are zombies come to take away bodies for organ harvests. That is actually what some people in Africa do think, because Westerners have been taking resources from Africans for the last couple of centuries, so why not now organs? Or perhaps we are from a superstitious culture after all? Ironically, now it's the Americans who think the returning health care workers are zombies presenting a death threat. Health care workers take chances EVERY..." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Apple Pay: Your full list of stores, apps, and banks supporting it -
"Here's how it worked for me just now at Macy's:" - Francine Hardaway
Re: Yesterday Was The End of My Biking Career -
"I'm glad you're okay. My own biking career ended when I was training for a funraising 100 mile ride between Phoenix and Tucson. A friend of mine was training me, and he was my biking mentor. One morning I heard he had been hit by a pickup truck while training on his bike in North Scottsdale. He was in a coma. He never came out of it. A couple of months later, his wife turned off the life support. I never felt like street biking again." - Francine Hardaway
Re: White Male "Allies" Have Surprisingly Little To Say About Fixing Sexist Tech Culture - by Selena Larson -
"I like the idea of a panel by women for a male audience. I'd come up for that Tyler" - Francine Hardaway
Re: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to Women: Don't Ask For A Raise, Trust Karma - by Selena Larson -
"All these guys take refuge in the salary schedule, which points out that the ranges are always the same. And then the HR person is paid to tell you that where you are in the range is dictated by things like years of experience. At big companies, that may be true, but at the startups that define Silicon Valley those ranges don't (yet) exist. At companies like Microsoft, the finger is always pointed at HR, and I bet Nadella doesn't know how that system works and has been told that all raises are given on merit and seniority. When in actuality, how you get a raise is either by changing jobs to another company or having your manager give you a promotion that catapults you into another range. And THAT is where the potential for discrimination lies, IMHO" - Francine Hardaway
Re: White Male "Allies" Have Surprisingly Little To Say About Fixing Sexist Tech Culture - by Selena Larson -
"They so don't understand how uncomfortable most men are around powerful women. When a woman "leans in," they either roll their eyes or run from the room. I've learned in all my life, and most men are terrified of me. Only as I've shrunk to 5'2" and gotten older have they quit perceiving me as some kind of special threat. That being said, most women have a lot of (rightful) fear, and the more they overcome it, the better they will do. I'm for controntation; men hate it and they WILL back down." - Francine Hardaway
Re: What I Hate About Selling Companies -
"Larry Ellison set the boat as a success metric:-)-" - Francine Hardaway
Re: What I Hate About Selling Companies -
"I think that's a kickass sentiment, especially since VCs aren't generally known for their expressions of feeling. I am sure most of them feel a little bummed to be disengaged; one of my companies sold a couple of years ago and I got a check and then they were gone, absorbed into the acquirers culture. A year later, the team I knew and loved had all scattered, and founder was off on a boat somewhere." - Francine Hardaway
Re: An alternate view of Jay Rosen's demo -
"I almost never use the Like button, except for friends' posts that I legitimately like. Never for brands. And I'm assiduous about telling FB I don't want to see the ads they feed men. Every. Single. One. I get many fewer ads." - Francine Hardaway
So this is (OMG really) happening -
Glass Video from Jun 18, 2014 -
Re: Foursquare Execs Depart Amid The Company's Big Strategic Shift - by Selena Larson -
"There's a story behind the story you wrote; I just know there is. Of course I don't know what that story is, but you can be sure there is one." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Calling all entrepreneurial journalism profs -
"This is the course I teach at Cronkite. Sorry I can't come:-(" - Francine Hardaway
Re: At Last, Women In Technology Are Making Themselves Heard - by Selena Larson -
"Women have to own their pushy bossiness. I wrote a piece over the weekend on Medium about this. I left Intel because I was never able to be taken seriously by the engineers I supported, even after they bought the company I started. Intel was the first place where I realized I was discriminated against as a woman, even though as a woman in business (without the tech added) my lot was still not as easy as men's. Stupid men flew right past me to success they didn't deserve, but I just kept plugging along, until Intel. My experience there (almost 20 years ago) totally convinced me that tech is worse for women than anywhere else in the workforce. So now we all raise our voices even louder. I don't know anyone who isn't already "leaning in." Now we have to push." - Francine Hardaway
Re: The "noteblog" format -
"Happy to "noteblog." I say lots of things that aren't blog posts and aren't tweets. Been using FB. Not optimal." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Google Glass smells bad -
"Unfortunately, we will have to pay again if we want the Google Glass that the whole world gets. I got in the Glass Explorer program last June, and I've bumped up against the limits of Glass as a tool for my life that I've lost interest and taken mine off as well. It's not because of all the SF stuff, because it's very different in Phoenix. It's just not useful enough." - Francine Hardaway
Re: A Bag of Potatoes, Microwaves and Being Kind -
"Thank you Natala. You are so right. Although I go to Farmer's market and belong to a CVA, I still don't always eat organic, non GMO, bla bla bla. I live alone, and in Phoenix it is over 100 degrees for about six months of the year. If I didn't microwave potatoes and veggies and use canned beans to make hummus, I would never be able to be plant strong. You can't cook in that weather. You don't want to. In the winter, I make oatmeal. In the summer I want to eat Rip's big bowl and fruit. I also eat a lot of meals in Whole Foods, from the HSH choices. And I eat in restaurants. But I've been plant strong for 3 years now and I feel great. I'm 73 and I don't have diabetes or heart disease.." - Francine Hardaway