Re: A Bag of Potatoes, Microwaves and Being Kind -
"Thank you Natala. You are so right. Although I go to Farmer's market and belong to a CVA, I still don't always eat organic, non GMO, bla bla bla. I live alone, and in Phoenix it is over 100 degrees for about six months of the year. If I didn't microwave potatoes and veggies and use canned beans to make hummus, I would never be able to be plant strong. You can't cook in that weather. You don't want to. In the winter, I make oatmeal. In the summer I want to eat Rip's big bowl and fruit. I also eat a lot of meals in Whole Foods, from the HSH choices. And I eat in restaurants. But I've been plant strong for 3 years now and I feel great. I'm 73 and I don't have diabetes or heart disease.." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Ideas for Google Glass -
"Do you have Glass? If not, you should get it and try it. I agree with you about flying a drone, but not sure I agree about the podcasts. Battery life, for one thing. And the difficulty of walking in NYC while watching something through Glass (which I have done) is not to be underestimated:-)" - Francine Hardaway
Re: How do I Really Feel About Anonymous Apps Like Secret? -
"Likewise. And we don't need an anonymous app to say that." - Francine Hardaway
Re: How do I Really Feel About Anonymous Apps Like Secret? -
"I've never been a fan of people being protected from their own poor social adjustments through anonymity. Before the internet, we all had to call each other names to our faces; those taunts were humiliating (I was a fat kid) but I lived through them. However, now total strangers "have at" you and part of it is you never know if it's someone you respect calling you a fatty or just some jerk. That's why anonymous comments hurt more than those to your face. I tried both Whisper and Secret (same reason you did and totally authentically) and concluded that many people on those apps need help. I, however, am not a therapist and would never seek help from anonymous people even if they're Facebook friends, so I don't have much use for them. Like other apps that I find useless, I deleted them and when someone posts something about me I ignore it all. Life is short, and I already know some people don't love me:-)" - Francine Hardaway
Re: Rethinking TV news, Part I: What’s broken, what’s possible -
"My students in Digital Media Entrepreneurship at ASU wanted to re-think TV news without b-roll, with on-the-ground local sources that were contractors, and with no standup at the beginning and the end. Cronkite still teaches "packages," but they would like to see the information just stream, with some interpretive commentary to answer the questions who, what, where, when and why. They had amazing good ideas." - Francine Hardaway
Re: 2013: The Year I Lost Trust In Everything -
"I'm working with a company called GERO, a technology commercialization project out of Moscow. They have done research in the ability to predict early indicators or chronic disease through patterns of locomotion (The Human Locomotome Project). So far, they've collected data from 3000 Fitbit users, and now they are broadening their scope to include other activity trackers. Their work could make the data of existing wearables much more valuable, and they'll launch their first product in April. They will be at CES, b ut their marketing person is in the Bay Area all the time. I think the combination of wearables and the data they're collecting could help alter the course of health care from "sick care" to preventive. Let me know if you are interested. I'm usually pretty trustable:-)" - Francine Hardaway
Re: A Note About Bitcoin -
"Of course as a currency Bitcoin has promise. But currency arbitrage (which is kind of what this is) has always been a place for the experts. And there are, as yet, no real experts in Bitcoin. Trying it is the right thing to do, just as you'd try any other new product to see if it's viable. Fred, you're a smart guy:-)" - Francine Hardaway
Re: Advertisers Seem to Care More About Seeing Ads Than Publishers -
"Mike, the reason publishers aren't dealing with viewability is that the Media Ratings Council has an advisory urging people not to use viewability as a metric this year. Why? Because there is no common standard for viewability. At ZEDO and ZINC, we use comScore measurements, but there are also other standards. And besides, viewability has no bearing on engagement (and thus results). Our Zinc division is looking for engagement. An ad is now viewable if 50% of its pixels are in view for at least one second. Can YOU respond to an ad that's viewable for that short a time? Or that's only half viewable? The idea of viewability is good, of course, but we're quite a way from the reality." - Francine Hardaway
Re: From our CEO: Practice Fusion’s Latest News -
"Congratulations Ryan. I remember interviewing you in a pedicab in SF and you told me about the time you put off your shoulder surgery to make payroll in the early days. You are a true entrepreneur and you deserve all the success in the world." - Francine Hardaway
High tea at the Ritz. Just my style:-( -
Re: Why I Won’t Try to Publish as I Move Towards Tenure -
"Totally, Dave. Believe me, it's all bullshit." - Francine Hardaway
Re: Why I Won’t Try to Publish as I Move Towards Tenure -
"Thank you for this. I fought through the tenure stuff, published three books I consider worthless, and left for a career in entrepreneurship. I've never looked back, and now that I am teaching one class in Digital Media Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University, I don't have that pressure as an adjunct and that's just fine." - Francine Hardaway
"As someone who lives with three "impossible" rescue dogs -- a wanderer, an aggressor, and an escape artist, I know what they can be like. All of mine are now wonderful pets. I had no idea you were a dog person:-) Congratulations on adopting Hope. She will be fine." - Francine Hardaway
Sammy Listens to Baseball Radio -
Re: The Dark Side to the Collaborative Economy -
"The worst is #13, where the VCs make this a bigger market than it should be, and ruin it for everyone. It's like crowdfunding: can be good on a small scale, and will cause terrible repercussions on a grand scale, just because of human nature. Once there are a few bad actors, in comes the government to regulate and ruin it." - Francine Hardaway
South Kensington lunch with Alan Nash -