Re: How do I Really Feel About Anonymous Apps Like Secret? -
"I've never been a fan of people being protected from their own poor social adjustments through anonymity. Before the internet, we all had to call each other names to our faces; those taunts were humiliating (I was a fat kid) but I lived through them. However, now total strangers "have at" you and part of it is you never know if it's someone you respect calling you a fatty or just some jerk. That's why anonymous comments hurt more than those to your face. I tried both Whisper and Secret (same reason you did and totally authentically) and concluded that many people on those apps need help. I, however, am not a therapist and would never seek help from anonymous people even if they're Facebook friends, so I don't have much use for them. Like other apps that I find useless, I deleted them and when someone posts something about me I ignore it all. Life is short, and I already know some people don't love me:-)" - Francine Hardaway