Re: A Bag of Potatoes, Microwaves and Being Kind -
"Thank you Natala. You are so right. Although I go to Farmer's market and belong to a CVA, I still don't always eat organic, non GMO, bla bla bla. I live alone, and in Phoenix it is over 100 degrees for about six months of the year. If I didn't microwave potatoes and veggies and use canned beans to make hummus, I would never be able to be plant strong. You can't cook in that weather. You don't want to. In the winter, I make oatmeal. In the summer I want to eat Rip's big bowl and fruit. I also eat a lot of meals in Whole Foods, from the HSH choices. And I eat in restaurants. But I've been plant strong for 3 years now and I feel great. I'm 73 and I don't have diabetes or heart disease.." - Francine Hardaway