Re: At Last, Women In Technology Are Making Themselves Heard - by Selena Larson -
"Women have to own their pushy bossiness. I wrote a piece over the weekend on Medium about this. I left Intel because I was never able to be taken seriously by the engineers I supported, even after they bought the company I started. Intel was the first place where I realized I was discriminated against as a woman, even though as a woman in business (without the tech added) my lot was still not as easy as men's. Stupid men flew right past me to success they didn't deserve, but I just kept plugging along, until Intel. My experience there (almost 20 years ago) totally convinced me that tech is worse for women than anywhere else in the workforce. So now we all raise our voices even louder. I don't know anyone who isn't already "leaning in." Now we have to push." - Francine Hardaway