
Got <a href="">meme</a> |mēm|? Start one. Join one. Invite anyone. Sick of a meme? <a href="">Not meme</a>.
Ok, If we're doing the Knife #knifememe Here's my knife and my pocket knife that I carry. Not as fancy as The Amber's knife though.
No, I'm not sure as to why, but it's traditional for Khukri knives to have that notch. - Bluesun 2600
#merightnow groovin' to the music as they close up shop here.
#saturdayff #showingmyage I did my high school talent show twice. Songs I covered: Labeled with Love by Squeeze and Situation by Yaz(oo).
fan of that music :) ----> - CarlC
@Gunneh Mnemonic: they may come back, you never know... - #cryptic
Kinda blurry. Sorry about that. - #cryptic
Hey! - Kisha
Howdy, all! Please excuse the helmet hair; it was good riding weather today! [edit: er, yesterday] - MiniMage
My cat and #merightnow
It's been a busy day; Went to breakfast @ Bernardo's, did some printing at the local Kinko's, rode to TJ's on my bike and did some grocery shopping, talked to my husband for an hour, did my laundry, rode my bike to the mall where I got some 501's to send to him for a friend of his in Germany (It's been a HELL of a long time since I paid that kind of money for a pair of jeans, even with the buy one get one off discount; I HOPE he appreciates it), and I have to go to Reno tomorrow. If you all don't hear from me this evening, it's because I've dropped off the face of the earth, for a bit. - #cryptic
Rest up, tomorrow sounds like another big day :) - comix aka martha
Thank you, Martha! :) - #cryptic
#saturdayff I just got up.
g'day dreams, may it be a pleasant one for you, :) - chaz2b
Thank you, Chaz. :D I will do my best. - #cryptic
Good morning, Ffeeps. Just got up, just getting my Sunday started, ' cause its my fun day, I don't have to run day... #eivindcoffeetheme
Um, it's Saturday... LOL! :P - Lisa L. Seifert
Thanks, Lisa. It was an unintentional 3 day weekend. - #cryptic
#Saturdayff In 1988, I won 1st place and $25 in a local monthly poetry contest in Redding, CA for the following:
#saturdayff In 1989, I auditioned for the San Francisco production of Les Miserables. I got typed in and actually got through two rounds of auditions. I didn't get cast, but it made me decide that I was probably a better singer than I, or some other people, had given myself credit for, and that I really could be a singer, given my passion for it.
Woot! - Spidra Webster
Awesome! I love Les Miz! - Jenny
I'm bowing out of #FFSaturday this week I just drove about 2 hours, got a couple of poems to finish up and publish on my blogs, and there's this neighborhood's monthly street festival to attend. Enjoy the evening, y'all!
I'll eat anything but bologna or any of the stuff from Bizarre Foods minus iguana
#saturdayff When I was 9 years old, I entered the Menlo Park Centennial Parade as a bike rider I had to beg my parents to let me do it. They had even thrown the entry form away, that I brought home from school. Fortuantely, my mom and my (then) sister-in-law had enough creative energy to dress up my bike, have me put on a nice dress...
...then I rode down Santa Cruz Avenue with the other participants. The parade terminated near the train station, where some guy with a pad and paper asked me for my name, age, etc. I didn't think anything of it at the time, and about a half hour later, my mom came by, all cranky, shoved my bike in the station wagon and "I have things to do, lets go home". - #cryptic
The next day, kids from my school's drum corp, who had participated in the parade, came up to me and asked why I didn't accept my prize. It turned out, unbeknownst to me or my mom, that the was also a competition, and that I had won first place in my age and type division, and that there was a ceremony aftetwards. - #cryptic
I remember trying to play it off like it was no big deal, but, inside, I was upset at my mom for insisting on leaving so early. I never did collect my prize, whatever it was, and even though I loved my mother dearly, I'm still mad at her about this. - #cryptic
#livelongandprospermeme For James and Pea. I look and feel like crap today, so all y'all are getting is the hand. For now, anyway...
Aw, thanks! ::tells it to the hand:: - Absentee
That's right! - #cryptic
So did some new meme fly though the main feed while I was off making someone happy? Eh, maybe I better off not knowing.
I've seen a few middle fingers go up. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Yeah, mine was one of them. :D - #cryptic
James Van Der Memes. Good job, Dawson. Good job. -
Quora has a topic dedicated to FriendFeed Memes. Fill it up! :)
Brilliant news - Thomas Power
Post-it bitchlips
Before Sandy accepted Jim's proposal, she had to confess that a childhood illness had left her with breasts like a 12-year-old. Jim said, "Honey, that's okay. I love you so much. But I must confess that I, too, am not normal. My pen¡s is infant-sized. Will that affect your answer?" Sandy said, "No. I love you, too. When we're married, I'll learn...
When we're married, I'll learn to love your infant-sized pen¡s." On their honeymoon night, they rushed to the hotel and quickly started holding, touching, and teasing each other. But when Sandy reached into Jim's pants, she screamed. - AJ Batac
This is the best I can do!
Are you imitating this guy? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
That's gotta be the next big thing, right there. - Josh Haley
Stealing from Aden ( - if we met IRL, what would we do together? #DoTogetherMeme
Drink all night :) - AJ Batac
Nice. - Nathan Chase
If you wouldn't mind, in 1 or 2 sentences, can you tell me who I am and what I do? MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA. YOU KILLED MY FATHER. PREPARE TO DIE. #RahMeme
Inconceivable! - Colette
MEH #meh
i have that shirt! - holly #ravingfangirl
Thanks John/Rochelle/Tamara... John, DM me your address. I'm just going out for some beers. ;) - AJ Batac
HEY EARLY ADOPTERS! Here's your new meme for this evening: #GuessMyPingPicks
Justice! <3 & DJ Shadow? - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Nope - not Moby. - Nathan Chase
Leonardo DiCaprio MEME. My favorite ones. #gotmeme?
this made my day. hilarious! :D - AJ Batac
LOL - Josh Haley
Yes, this hits the spot. - Micah
And when I was bad, I was horrid! #pigtailmeme
My 'Songs of the Moment' for 2010:
Hold on it's a long list, let's see how many I can find links for. The list is very random, some new, some old but are the most played tunes for me right now. Check last year's list here: If you are on Spotify I hope the playlist works here: - Kol Tregaskes
Good tunes, Andrew. - Kol Tregaskes
I'm game (though I have not updated in awhile) #fcharttop20
Ooooh, I wanna see Vanya on 42nd Street really bad. I keep forgetting about it. - Jandy
the desktop photo changes every 3 minutes; this is it at time of capture (duh) #desktopmeme
That's a good idea. I've been considering running xscreensaver's vidwhacker hack in the root window for a while, maybe with a flickr feed. - Andy Bakun