
Got <a href="">meme</a> |mēm|? Start one. Join one. Invite anyone. Sick of a meme? <a href="">Not meme</a>.
Q: What is a baby's favourite constellation?
A: The Big Diaper! - Big Joe Silenced
Pacino looks like he's playing bass for Iron Maiden. - Big Joe Silenced
Q: What do you call a faerie who doesn't like to bathe?
A: Stinker Bell! - Big Joe Silenced
Q: What's a duck's favourite afternoon snack?
A: Cheese and quackers! - Big Joe Silenced
*jumps out of the lake and pulls you from the canoe*
Eivinder Burgundy :) MEME!
which one's which though?!? - sofarsoShawn
#shufflememe Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
1. How does the world see me? Plush (Stone Temple Pilots) - Melly #FForever
13. What song will play at my funeral? The Drowners (Suede) - I hope this is not portentous! - Melly #FForever
I'm wondering who the most 'shopped FFer is now. :) - CAJ was here
*bump* - Ell Bee, See?
Hmmm… Maybe that’s why I’d totally hit that shit, damn Philosoraptor is seckseee! :)
#boingBOING #philosophy is love of wisdom - sofarsoShawn
Hey I just learned a new word! I'm a sapiosexual!!!! (and a homosexual too) Definition: 2nd comment 1. (n.) A behavior of becoming attracted to or aroused by intelligence and its use. Origins: From the Latin root sapien, wise or intelligent, and Latin sexualis, relating to the sexes. Example: Me? I don't care too much about the looks. I want an incisive, inquisitive, insightful, irreverent mind. I want someone for whom philosophical discussion is foreplay. I want someone who sometimes makes me go ouch due to their wit and evil sense of humor. I want someone that I can reach out and touch randomly. I want someone I can cuddle with. I decided this all means that I am sapiosexual. - sofarsoShawn
AHHHH SOMEONE JUST PROPOSED MARRIAGE TO ME ON G+ (cuz of this Philosoraptor post) NOW SCREEAMMMMM!!!! I said no. I hope you can see it, he shared it limited not public no I believe you can't dammmmzit - sofarsoShawn
Okay, I'm going to do something borderline unethical but the convo's funny! I believe he shared it as "limited" after I noticed he was in my Queer Love circle, like he's' gay and from U-S-A!. But you know how they black out the personal information on those funny facebook convos, Imma gonna do that and black out the personal details - sofarsoShawn
1) Find out the song that was #1 the week you were born. 2) Find that song on YouTube. 3) Post that video on your feed without shame -
A song from the first album I bought.
I wore out Pop's casette of "Rapture", so when her next album came out, I had to have it. - Steven Perez
The current display. #desktopmeme
#iPhoneMeme or #DeaktopMeme Cool eh?!? It's a skull with the Ramanov Royal Family in it! Of another famous commie revolution #OWS
"Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?" ~ So True!
Okay, but serious question now. Does anybody else have their gaydar go off with the Philosoraptor? #justsayn For instance, the way he ponders/philosraptorsizes with his claw like that, huh? Maybe? - sofarsoShawn
Hahaha yep - Shevonne
He's sexy, in a Rodin's Thinker kind of way, I love his mind. Brilliant. - sofarsoShawn
Yeah okay, I'd hit that...a beautiful mind But serious, Philosoraptor he's so ghayyyy - sofarsoShawn
"If a man speaks his mind in a forest and no woman is around to hear...Is he still wrong?" ~ Philosoraptor (Meme), that's some deep stuff here, very DEEP.
hhhmmmm, my answer would be if he's married, or partnered ie a girlfriend, than yes, he would still be wrong - sofarsoShawn
LOL no I'm not offended whatsoever, it's my own expression, I guess, for me of doing the same thing ALL the time. So no worries :) Now for example, where'd this graphic come from? Well I ripped it off from the iPhone app. (yeah I was just joking, Irania? C'mon lol, I was just curious by that comment, thinking, is he instructing or ??? just had no idea) - sofarsoShawn
"The Berenstein Bears Get KICKED IN THE DICK"
<Berenstein Bears Meme aka Tits> I feel his pain, Ooofs - sofarsoShawn
hahaha - Shevonne
#SaturdayFF at a birthday party today i was putting together a couple of dogs and buns for myself when i noticed another guest chopping and combining stuff for guacamole and pico de gallo. he offered me some, so i combined it all on one of my dogs to try out. when asked WTF i was doing, i told him...
"I'm guacing the dog." - Big Joe Silenced
mercifully, everyone within earshot burst into laughter. - Big Joe Silenced
FWIW, it was fscking NOM. - Big Joe Silenced
Comb over? More like brush over
I've been mistaken for him, yes. - #cryptic
Ahem. Not comb-over. #combitforward. - Josh Haley
My bad. This is what happens when I jump on a meme late in the game. :D - #cryptic
What's the oldest email you have saved? #OldestEmailMeme
Mine's from 03/26/1997. Between me and someone with a address. - Nathan Chase
9/11/2001 From a friend relaying info at ground zero. I could never bring myself to delete it. - Maggie
He may not see this but #sadrodfathereyes
#saturdayff I worked as an extra on 9 Months. Biggest thing that happened? Getting glared at by Hugh Grant.
Kinda cool, actually. - Jim #teamFFrank
That is on Netflix streaming, so add to the queue. - Eric @ CS Techcast
#merightnow aka Shawn enough with the Crest White Strips already! Sparkly :)
CUTE!! - Tamara J. B.
Yes, it's Windows XP. I still use it, because I must still support it at work. That, and I couldn't find my DVD to do an upgrade a few days ago, when I got THAT fed up. #desktopmeme
gangsta - Eric @ CS Techcast
#desktopmeme I don't have my pc on.
#desktopmeme it's not disorganized, it's just a Mac thing
I'm even showing you my dock (no pun here), hidden on the left side :) - sofarsoShawn
LOL it's organized chaos. That's the fresco "The Last Judgement" from the apse of the Sistine Chapel. I place certain shortcuts/files/photos on the figures that I find relage to it. - sofarsoShawn
Ok, If we're doing the Knife #knifememe Here's my knife and my pocket knife that I carry. Not as fancy as The Amber's knife though.
No, I'm not sure as to why, but it's traditional for Khukri knives to have that notch. - Bluesun 2600
#merightnow groovin' to the music as they close up shop here.