"The Berenstein Bears Get KICKED IN THE DICK"
<Berenstein Bears Meme aka Tits http://ff.im/KHaks> I feel his pain, Ooofs - sofarsoShawn
I like the way Mama Bear is pointing and laughing. :-) - John (bird whisperer)
LOL. Hadn't hear that expression in a while :D - Eivind
Hahaha, Josiah has one called "The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors", and now I'm getting visions of a different kind of love, lol. - Melly #FForever
Vindaloo you mean "Dick" that's like your unofficial real name around here, but I guess that's just behind your back. My friend Aaron Gallgher, from Oz, can suck his own dick: the head & a little bit (shut up any guy who says be hasn't tried is a liar). He's pretty big & he was in gymnastics but it's probably a "land down under thing" ie. when your national anthem is by "Men at Work". - sofarsoShawn
hahaha - Shevonne