#desktopmeme it's not disorganized, it's just a Mac thing
I'm even showing you my dock (no pun here), hidden on the left side :) - sofarsoShawn
Now, I feel like a teenager with a messy room in comparison; >.> I'm guessing you guys tidied up a bit ~dot dot dot - sofarsoShawn
I really dislike the way my Mac wants to stick crap on my desktop! I want as little as possible there. - MiniMage
Mine is worse, and I never even bother with a background pic these days. Just keep the default. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
@MiniMage & WoH I gotcha, I just grew used to it, saving saving stuff to my desktop - sofarsoShawn
I just about flip out when I go to users' computers and find dozens of documents and shortcuts there on the desktop. My life is cluttered, but my file systems are absolutely not. I can't count how many folks have lost files, because they didn't put them in the proper places, and my fellow techs didn't look there to back them up. - MiniMage
One thing I dislike about Macs is the lack of a good 'windows explorer' alternative. Often I put stuff on the desktop so I can find the damned thing later. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Wouldn't Spotlight help with that? - MiniMage
WoH's speaking of the browser? cuz yeah use Spotlight? - sofarsoShawn
Hah, I, the big-time techie (NOT) didn't even know how Spotlight could help until last year. I think you folks might have told me what I was missing. What? We don't provide full support for Macs ;). - MiniMage
Yeah, but it's not the same thing. I like to see where I am when I'm searching - windows oldskool. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I know what you mean ( think). I know where something should be, and I just browse to that location. Spotlight proved to be a great way to launch apps quicker, while I didn't really use it to find other files. - MiniMage
It's a different way of doing it and most of the time it's ok. But sometimes.... - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Ohhhh, WoH you're talking more about Finder, when it comes to the file/folder hierarchical structure, yeah, I know what you mean, Spotlight I rarely use, unless I can recall the file fairly specifically - sofarsoShawn
Ok, I guess I didn't know what WoH meant :) - MiniMage
Can't you use your browser? file://{drivename}/{folder_lvl1}/{folder_lvl2}/{etc.}/ - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Know you got it right, I think for Win, it's just using Search or Find which is like Spotlight, @Jimminy, that's what Finder is - sofarsoShawn
LOL it's organized chaos. That's the fresco "The Last Judgement" from the apse of the Sistine Chapel. I place certain shortcuts/files/photos on the figures that I find relage to it. - sofarsoShawn