My cat and #merightnow
It's been a busy day; Went to breakfast @ Bernardo's, did some printing at the local Kinko's, rode to TJ's on my bike and did some grocery shopping, talked to my husband for an hour, did my laundry, rode my bike to the mall where I got some 501's to send to him for a friend of his in Germany (It's been a HELL of a long time since I paid that kind of money for a pair of jeans, even with the buy one get one off discount; I HOPE he appreciates it), and I have to go to Reno tomorrow. If you all don't hear from me this evening, it's because I've dropped off the face of the earth, for a bit. - #cryptic
Rest up, tomorrow sounds like another big day :) - comix aka martha
Thank you, Martha! :) - #cryptic