Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) logo and characters on Google Chrome's new tab page. You can choose characters. You might want to try these user styles:Chrome New Tab - Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail logo and characters.
Google Chrome New Tab by josher8a.
Google Chrome New Tab like Safari top sites.
Clean Newtab (Chrome only) by WildwestGoh.
If you prefer a blank page for new tab, this style is for you.
- Zulkarnain K.
Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) logo and characters on Google Chrome's new tab page. You can choose characters. You might want to try these user styles: Chrome New Tab - Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail logo and characters.
Google Chrome New Tab by josher8a.
Google Chrome New Tab like Safari top sites.
Clean Newtab (Chrome only) by WildwestGoh.
If you prefer a blank page for new tab, this style is for you.
- Zulkarnain K.
Fairy Tail logo and characters on Google Chrome's new tab page. You can choose characters. You might want to try these user styles:Chrome New Tab - Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) logo and characters.
Google Chrome New Tab by josher8a.
Google Chrome New Tab like Safari top sites.
Clean Newtab (Chrome only) by WildwestGoh.
If you prefer a blank page for new tab, this style is for you.
- Zulkarnain K.
Heavy Rotation theme for Facebook.
Works with Stylish for Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
Based on Heavy Rotation user style.
Licensed under the MIT License.
- Zulkarnain K.
Chrome New Tab - Fairy Tail user style.
Displays Fairy Tail logo and characters on Google Chrome’s new tab page. You can select more characters. -
Auto-hide translation bar when translating a web site.
Hover your mouse to top of the page to show the translation bar.
See also Google Translate - No Popup.
- Zulkarnain K.