AKA Me✔ - Just another so called geek. Verified Internet Person. What ever that means...
so is this it?
nope guess not - CW
Is it like today? - Akiva
Its tomorrow yesterday - CW
stream froze on me - CW
BOGLE! Good shit, sir. :D - Hookuh Tinypants
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Are you my mummy? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
GERONIMO! - Steven Perez
I can never say Goodbye...
I don't want to go on the cart! - Jennifer Dittrich
Years of CW AKA Me!
You're in NorCal, yes? - Corinne L
Yup. :) - CW
So that means we can meet IRL pretty easily, then! Woot! - Corinne L
\o/ Cheers! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Thanks for all the fish... - CW
Time to wean myself off of this site... I wish you all the best. If we are ever to meet on that great Internet Highway, be kind, Smile and Wave as we pass each other. Ta..
Kerry Callen's Blog!: Bullet Bouncing - Or why Wonder Woman uses her bracelets instead of just letting the bullets bounce off of her. -
Mental disorders of cartoon characters | ScienceDump -
"Many seemingly innocent cartoon characters should count their lucky stars that they live in an animated, fictional universe. Because, if they lived among us, and were judged the way you and I are, they would be in major trouble. These characters have such glaring, and long-enduring, mental disorders, that there’s no way they could escape years of therapy, and possible institutionalization." - CW
"If I had to do it over, I'd be a dictator. "
Ok.. I have a interesting music tastes.. pandora quickmix, just went from Rob Zombie - Dragula to The Muppets - Smells like Teen Spirit.
"So I tattoo instructions on my ass That say "don't ever put this body in a casket Burn it and put the ashes in a basket And throw them in the puget sound" I don't ever want to be underground"
Talking Technology Talk | Graham Chastney -
"In each area of life we love to create language to describe what we are doing. As technology people we are masters at acronyms and words that make no sense in normal life. The image below is of a card that I was given and it illustrates how impenetrable our language can be" - CW
So as they didn't state what FB will do with the FF Data after the closing, anyone thinking of just deleting their account before the 9th to remove the data?
Granted they could do what they wanted before hand, but the site was active and the privacy policies kind of apply still. But once the site goes down.. pretty much there is no more protection if there ever was any. - CW
I've considered it (even having already knowing it wouldn't really delete anything from servers), but I haven't decided yet. - ellbeecee
What Type of Desk Does the President of the United States Use? - Core77 -
"As each new American President moves into the White House, they have their choice of what kind of desk they'd like in the Oval Office. Not all of them stick to tradition, with some opting to swap out their predecessor's worksurface." - CW
Spread Some Smiles With These 30 Utterly Adorable T-Shirts (And Win One Too!) - Neatorama -
"A love of cute things starts at an early age" - CW
"How does it work, Dad... are princesses born stupid, or does it becoming a princess make you stupid?" - CW
Troy Hunt: Deconstruct websites, get hired: hiding recruitment messages in source code -
"The other day I did a security workshop at a firm here in Sydney and one of the things we did was a proxy a bunch of traffic and inspect what was going on behind the scenes. Among the expected hilarity that always ensues from these sorts of exercises (you can find heaps more of this in my Hack Your API First course), one of the guys at the event found this in the response headers of Airbnb: X-Hi-Human: The Production Infrastructure team added this header. Come work with us! Email [email protected]" - CW
Virtual reality creator hopes to treat anxiety attacks - Boing Boing -
"Anxiety haunts a lot of people I know. Sometimes my friends and I trade tips for evading its clutches: deep breathing, white noise apps, staying off Twitter. But what if a virtual reality game could offer something even better: a total sensory oasis from anxiety attacks? Deep, a virtual reality game developed for the Oculus Rift, has set out to do just that. It's based on the same sort of deep breathing exercises that many anxiety sufferers—and meditation/yoga enthusiasts—are already familiar with, coupled with immersive visuals and audio that make you feel like you're suspended in a dreamy, underwater world. A belt secured around your body senses when you inhale and exhale, causing you to "rise" and "fall" rhythmically within the water as you explore a "zen garden" of coral and colored lights." - CW
"Developer Owen Harris had been using breathing exercises to manage his own anxiety for years, and "when VR arrived... I knew exactly what I wanted to do: I wanted to build something where at the end of a stressful day I could just go to, and it'd become my own little isolation tank," Harris told Vice. "I was building this thing for myself; it never really occurred to me to be showing it to other people." When other people started finding therapeutic value in the game, however, Harris decided that maybe the game had something to offer a wider audience. One of those people was Christos Reid, the developer of Hug Marine, who tried Deep for the first time at a crucial moment when he felt a panic attack was imminent. " - CW
If a hiring manager can't give a description of DevOps, then DON'T USE IT AS A TITLE! WTF! Seriously people.
The first rule of DevOps... - Meg VMeg
Hahaha, MVM! - Spidra Webster
'Voodoo' Hackers: Stealing Secrets From Snowden's Favorite OS Is Easier Than You'd Think - Forbes -
"The Snowden leaks have taught us much about the tactics employed by the NSA and GCHQ, from brazen malware attacks to more esoteric dark arts, such as infecting low-level pieces of computer code. Correspondingly, research into more surreptitious activities targeting the guts of modern systems has often been overshadowed by studies of more obvious attacks. Yet such high-tech techniques pose a more severe risk. They can, for instance, allow agencies to spy on Tails, the Linux-based secure operating system favored by Snowden. And they’re not as difficult to exercise as many would imagine. They can totally obliterate the privacy of even the most careful computer user." - CW
Pickin up Chicks -
Got a new coffee maker and some new coffee beans. One of them is not going to stay.
Granted, you can't judge the coffee maker and coffee on the 1st two cups. - CW
Apple supposedly has a team exploring "augmented reality applications" | TechnoBuffalo -
"Apple has its hands in a lot of different jars—at least according to a wide range of rumors. Among them is a new augmented reality project that could be similar in scope to Microsoft’s HoloLens. According to Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, Apple has a team exploring the wide world of “augmented reality applications.” The focus of the project is apparently to make some sort of face computer that’s both functional and fashionable—and according to Munster, socially acceptable, which is a key component, as Google found out." - CW
Starbucks will start making home deliveries later this year | The Verge -
"In case there's somehow not a Starbucks within walking distance of your office or city apartment, delivery specialist Postmates will soon start bringing the coffee maker's drinks and food directly to your door. It's a legitimate collaboration between the two brands; customers will place orders for their desired beverage or snack through the Starbucks app, and then simply select the option to have it delivered by Postmates." - CW
I just assumed they'd build a new Starbucks in a corner of your dining room. - walt crawford
An erotic novel about Clippy - Boing Boing -
"Christie Aackerlund doesn’t need help with anything. So when the world’s biggest technology company offers to fly her to a remote location and investigate an alien artifact, all by herself, she’s all like “I’ll do it!” But the artifact isn’t what it seems, and soon an overly helpful giant living paperclip is getting her all bent out of shape. Conquered by Clippy is a 4000 word short story featuring sexual situations with digital assistants. It’s for super mature audiences only." - CW
If there is such a thing as Rule34 going to far, this might be the tipping point. - CW
Baby Paleo Diet = Breast milk from the source. Who needs a book for that?
Babies can't read anyway. - Steve C, Team Marina
Can't help but think of this...