So as they didn't state what FB will do with the FF Data after the closing, anyone thinking of just deleting their account before the 9th to remove the data?
Granted they could do what they wanted before hand, but the site was active and the privacy policies kind of apply still. But once the site goes down.. pretty much there is no more protection if there ever was any. - CW
Not sure what the timeframe of any process to remove the data from the database, I'm thinking Tuesday or Wednesday will be the end of this account and my activity on FF. - CW
I considered deleting at least any DMs. - Stephan Planken
Does deleting my account assure that my data is removed? Or is it just the case that FF can't display the data of deleted accounts. - Greg GuitarBuster
The privacy policy is kind of vague about what happens to user data versus the data required to run the site. - Greg GuitarBuster
All good questions.. but as it is anyone that has left, the data, comments, etc... are gone from what we can see. - CW
I figure deleting won't make a difference because FB probably has backups. - Spidra Webster
Friendfeed has a persistent storage system. Deleting doesn't really remove the data, it just changes a flag, so that queries don't return it. I've undeleted posts up to 2 years after deleting them, by keeping record of the keys. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I'm thinking of deleting my account on Wed, but it's more a kind of foot-stomping 'I quit!' before FB fires FF ;-) - Heleninstitches #teamff
I'm waiting to see if maybe they forget. Hulu discontinued their Desktop Product January 31st, 2013. It was still working a month or so ago. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
That would be funny. - Stephan Planken
No, I have a feeling Ben Golub will promptly, but lovingly, take her off life support on schedule. - Micah
I don't quit. I'll leave my account like a zombie into the server, chatting with your zombies.. - Davide in the TARDIS
What Jimminy said: Deleting a post or an account doesn't really delete anything. - Stephen Mack
Which would certainly increase FB's desire to stop running FF. That must take up a SHITLOAD of server space. - Spidra Webster
It must be absolutely trivial compared to how much FB services require, though. - Andrew C (see
Sure, but it brings them no $, which is not the case for the regular FB stuff. - Spidra Webster
One issue with FF is it's pretty much the only service still storing files on Amazon. Instagram migrated all of their image data a while ago. Storage for all that stagnant info is somewhere between $5k - $30k per month. If it used internal storage, it would be a quarter the cost, but that means a lot of effort migrating the data and updating the application. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
mv amazon/ff facebook/ff - Davide in the TARDIS
I've considered it (even having already knowing it wouldn't really delete anything from servers), but I haven't decided yet. - ellbeecee