FriendFeed Blog: Someone's in the kitchen with FriendFeed themes -
yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!! More Themes!! - Rachel Lea Fox
Bahaha. Steampunk. - Joshua
Grasslands is awesome. And it has clouds! - Bret Taylor
nice! It's theme week on FF. - Mike Bracco
AWESOME! Thanks Bret - Matt Ruiz
++ Bret - Rachel Lea Fox
Ha, the Grasslands theme is cute. I think I kind of like! :) Oh, lookit the cloud! I'll try this out for a while... - Pistos
Orion it is. - Arawak
Feeling all zen with Grasslands - Mike Bracco
Oh no. Sorry, as much as I like Grasslands, I can't apportion 25% of my CPU cycles to moving clouds. *goes back to classic* - Pistos
Excellent ! - Wang Yip
Orion FTW! - CAJ was here
haha i thought curtis said Onion FTW! - Wang Yip
Wang: He did. - Matt Ruiz
I know I know!!! - Roberto Bonini
Matt: heh no it says Orion, see thats what i'm talking about heheh - Wang Yip
*silently digs Steampunk theme* - FFing Enigma
I like the Orion theme! - TheHenry
Well, I've now been converted to Steampunk. AJ's script was blocking the new text background. - CAJ was here
Orion and Steampunk...nice! Can I haz a CyberPunk? - ‘-.-’ Tutivillus Grift
I like Grasslands. Very cheerful. Good to brighten the mood when you stroll over to FriendFeed - Nathan Chase
Cool new themes! Curtis, you're using an old version. - AJ Batac
AJ, I'm using the one with Themes support I just downloaded today. - CAJ was here
Using Steampunk for now. - John (bird whisperer)
Grasslands is pretty cool looking, but when I comment on a post, the comment field is hidden in the grass. :D - Josh Haley
Nice job! These are some pretty spiffy themes. I would have commented earlier, but I was busy shooting ducks. I switched from Helvetica to Steampunk for now. I still want my old school monochrome monitor black screen and green text theme :P - Ⓐ ☠ slayerboy ☠ Ⓐ
"old school monochrome monitor black screen and green text theme"? oh hellzyeah! can we also get an amber monochrome version?? they can be called "Hercules Green" and "Hercules Amber"! :D - Big Joe Silenced
oooooo...I like that...Hercules Green and Hercules Amber - Ⓐ ☠ slayerboy ☠ Ⓐ
Peter I see the sun and the clouds even in Firefox - Niki Costantini
Thank you, "Grasslands" theme is Great - Nimaa
Love the new themes. But when can we upload our own image? - Katy Barrilleaux
Extraordinary and eye candy. - Ashish
I like the Orion & Steampunk themes, but I keep going back to classic, largely due to its simplicity & lack of minor annoyances. - Tanath
Steampunk & Grasslands are sweet. but in Grassland bottom grass effect must be under of writings - Samir Kerimov
Awesome! - Garin Kilpatrick
they're perty - sofarsoShawn
I do a combo of the two, ishowu! - sofarsoShawn
Very cool! - orionstarr
Cool, I like Orion and Duck Hunt is fun in a simple way... But I'm going to stick with Helvetica for now. Wouldn't mind a Blue variation of it. - Grant Bierman
Just loaded the Orion theme. Nice! - Rachel Luxemburg
Nice! But custom BG that can be uploaded by users would be awesome. Duck theme should be a widget that can be applied over any theme. - Krishnamoorthy
Krishnamoorthy.K - gives you a bookmarklet that lets you add duckhunt to any website. - Rachel Lea Fox
Shiny. Trying Steampunk now :-D - immaterial
Cordys Cloud application had the cloud+grass combination since about a year, and now this theme of FriendFeed makes my page look like my applications ;) mighty nice ;) - Ashish Tiwari
Orion <3 :D - Neya
Steampunk is very flavorful. It needs some rotating gears (the true reason for 3D CSS transforms) - DGentry
Very nice. Wish I could toggle on/off the animation. - Joel Lovato
+1 for being able to turn off animation. Better yet: Animation only when viewing the tab, turn it off when the tab goes out of focus. - Pistos
I picked the "orion" theme thought it was fitting for me! - orionstarr
Yeah! Orion! - Thierry R. Andriamirado
I'd like,, I really would like to have a full black and green theme, like old vintage computer from the '80's, but with the power of new technology. SO, please, make me happy... - Francesco OC
annnnd back to helvetica.....steampunk is too slow on my netbook. really really want vintage computer "hercules green" or amber theme guys! :) - Ⓐ ☠ slayerboy ☠ Ⓐ
yes mike! hercules green or amber theme! perfect... - Francesco OC
Oh! I like Steampunk and I'm using it. Good job! - Trang Phượng