You know, the blog post never said *which* April 9th...
"Like" is wholly insufficient for this post. - Bruce Lewis
I'm still hoping it'll just sort of......sustain. - Iain Baker
Ooooh! And in Norwegian media they've been having this "April 9 never again" campaign today, so if it's not this one we may be safe! - Eivind
It's already tomorrow somewhere in the world so we at least know it'll still be here tomorrow! #mylogicissound - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I WANT TO BELIEVE. - la réglisse
It's already April 10 here in Siberia. - [email protected]
hydaaaaaaaaa - Vander Kapat Vander
Kevin dalağına tükürürüm yavşak! - Vander Kapat Vander
hayvanın oğlu şakanın sırası mı? - dummy
Millet memesini poposunu açtı.kapat siteyi çabuk. - Vander Kapat Vander
Ahahha c'mooon!!! :D I knew it! I knew that ff won't be dead !!! ^.^ - Deli Bedri
\o/ - GePs You will be able to view your posts, messages, and photos until April 9th. On April 9th, we'll be shutting down FriendFeed and it will no longer be available. - orfe
you guys are killing me - Antonio
dai, ripensateci. che vi frega - ratavolòira
nessuno se ne accorgerà mai! Gli dite: "Sì sì, lo abbiamo spento" e invece non è vero. Noi facciamo silenzio e non ci facciamo scoprire. - ratavolòira
rata, lascia perdere che questi ci stanno trollando - Antonio
Yav bırak. - Deli Bedri
piclik yapma durduk yere - falanboyant
vabbè vi lascio un #maallanmechivestramilamuort così - Davide TheSgrash
haha çok hoş.. - ves.
resmen terbiyesizlik yapıyor. - Eren Bostan
guardate che è un'idea geniale, cari i miei americani furboni. - ratavolòira
Millet memesini poposunu açtı.kapat siteyi çabuk. - Vander - Alice Cooper
vay amk - çakır
9 nisan dedik ama 2015 demedik diyor - Emre Bilgili
Kirmizi kar yaginca ya da cikmaz ayin son carsambasi demis adam biz anlamamisiz asdf. - Alice Cooper
Hooaaydaaaaa.. Hep bunu demek istemisimdir. - öküz
9 nisan dedik ama 2015 demedik diyor - Emre Bilgili da Android - ॐ Máximo Ω
Şiştim yeminle - Deli Bedri
Or which multi-verse. - Micah
Oooo paralel diyo. - Alice Cooper
Hacı, tam bir dış mihrakmış bu Kevın!! - Işık Mater
Hmmm, that's a good point! *cross fingers* - Susan Beebe
Ayiboluyor - csenol
FRIENDFEED :( - Giorgio Armani
run another friendfeed :( - Giorgio Armani
prendetevi facebook e lasciateci friendfeed, dai - ratavolòira
free friendfeed - Giorgio Armani
Maybe, he would be drunk and he needs some attention at that moment - orfe
Fiğdimi çalmış! - linay
تو روحت پس - نومیا
سر کاری بود؟ - دکتر فروغ
Aha bak yalelliler de geldi - Deli Bedri
شوخی بدی بود :| - roshanak
Close facebook! - Raflesia
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak
Close facebook! - Raflesia - Giorgio Armani
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Kouche
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - AmirGT
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Onur Yalazı
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Onur Yalazı - ratavolòira
Aferin lan yalelliler :D - Deli Bedri
hic fark etmez. onemli olan facebooki sevmemk - roshanak
Şakacımısın? - Burak
Değil bence - Deli Bedri
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Onur Yalazı - ratavolòira - LuKe Quentin
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات
@Kevin Fox: Are you kidding? Again we have the Friendfeed? Please stay positive .... please ... - Amoon ╭•⊰✿
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - GePs
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi
Olm bu adam ff çalışanı mı lan? hiç sanmıyorum. - seyir
O kadar kişi yazınca yetkili bi abiye benziyo sandım ben. - Burak
ok, no jokes, please. Do you know at what time it will be shut down? - GePs
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash - Nervo
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash - Nervo - Irma
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash - Nervo - Irma - la réglisse
the last meme #ff_screenshot :-) - Luca Perugini
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash - Nervo - Irma - La Reglisse - - LilaLaMarea
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash - Nervo - LilaLaMarea - bezdomnyj82
bez devi fare copia e incolla, se no perdi pezzi - Nervo
is there a countdown? COME ON! It's excruciating, like this! - ubu
amina koyim. - abdullah azad
and now it doesn't have a date ... - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
And now it says April 9, 2015. I'm guessing 11:59 pm Pacific Time. - Galadriel C.
bu da gicigin tekiymis. - seyif
This is now my most liked post of all time. - Kevin Fox
hem kapatiyor hem prim yapiyor adi. - seyif
Ben liked this post, he knows. What's the answer, Ben? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
April fools. - Laura Norvig
Also, now would be the time to add, "best of hour" to the "best of day | week | month" - Laura Norvig
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash - Nervo - LilaLaMarea - bezdomnyj82 - CED