Good bye Friend Feed. What a lot of memories were made here!
Welcome back to the internet Robert! - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Glad you were able to make it back in time! - CAJ was here
It is strangely sad reading the messages. Just got back from New York. Whew. - Robert Scoble
I remember when Facebook bought FriendFeed and I knew that Facebook wouldn't keep it around forever. The team tried to say otherwise, but I just knew that's not how things work. - Robert Scoble
Google+ is facing same kinds of thinking. - Robert Scoble
They were saying FriendFeedy goodness would make its way into Facebook. - Bruce Lewis
Bruce and for the most part that's true. Except not in quite the same kind of speedy interface. - Robert Scoble
What were your favorite features, Robert? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
See ya on the other side - sean percival
Now even Sean Percival is back, I love the past two days. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Robert... - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Jimminy: truth be told, I just liked the aggregator and the speed of commenting. - Robert Scoble
Hey now. I knew you would swing by. Welcome to the farewell party. - Laura Norvig
Entirely different culture at Facebook...they want you to make friends outside of their site, first...then send them a friend request. They discourage friending people you don't know. Friendfeed encouraged you to make friends here...and we became one big community because of the lack of walls. - April Russo (FForever!)
I talk about what makes FriendFeed feel different from Facebook here: - Bruce Lewis
April: true, true. Although on Facebook there's groups and you can follow people now. But the world is so noisy that it's hard to get that kind of community that we got here. - Robert Scoble
So G+ will close down? Damn, I dumped all my content there thinking it would be around for a while. - Todd Hoff
I came here originally just to gather all my shit into one feed, which I could share offsite. Didn't really know anyone here. Can't do something like that on Facebook. - April Russo (FForever!)
Todd, yeah they've been pulling all the photo's and stuff out, and placing it in Drive. So it seems like it will close soon. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Robert: Thanks for the answer. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Jimminy, now do you see why I have social media trust issues and don't want to go through joining another site, falling in love with the whole experience again? Now you know why I want to be in control of it all, to be part of something that can't be sold or shut down, or at least not without my approval? - April Russo (FForever!)
April, I have the same issues. And it's a problem I'm still trying to figure out. There are hard distributed problems revolving around the control. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
i wish directeur was still around...he was on the right track. - April Russo (FForever!)
whoa. directeur was the shit. - Cristo
I base a lot of my ideas off of his stuff, as far as federated systems go. But you still end up in with control issues, of how data is referenced or copied throughout. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
What we need is a P2P style social network...a winmx chat network that can handle friendfeed style content sharing. - April Russo (FForever!)
I am actually following what a friend of mine is doing with much more interest, but i double he will ever be able to get his thing to work on mobile. - April Russo (FForever!)