Jason Shellen

CEO and founder of Thing Labs, makers of Brizzly.com, former Blogger/Google dude, father of two little dudes.
Peace out, Friendfeed. Lots of love from your Brizzly pal.
Shellen! Man the digerati are in the house. - Laura Norvig
Norvig! You too. ;) - Jason Shellen
I guess Kanye is proving the old saying: "Whatever you pay attention to grows."
I think we've underestimated the effect non-pleated khakis could have on Jim Harbaugh's coaching. Just sayin' it's worth a try. #goniners
If you are a pro football coach and you want to run it up the middle, @ashellen thinks you should reconsider. "It never works!"
Bold iOS icon update Google Maps. I like it! https://twitter.com/shellen...
From what I'm reading it sounds like Boehner thinks Osama is still alive and he's hiding in Obamacare.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens and wonders if McDonalds is still serving breakfast
I hope @imdanha is found safe and sound. http://techcrunch.com/2014...
Guys: I talked to all the other men and it turns out we can stop spitting on the ground for no reason.
Twitter moved the text entry box back to the top of the feed on the web. Nice. Gonna throw on the 2010 Winter Games & listen to some Ke$ha.
OH: "Guy 1: Everybody wants a robot butler. Guy 2: Can you blame 'em?"
I feel like the Democrats should have had Bumgarner in there tonight.
Can't believe Texas voted in Alex from Target for Governor.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 is treating points & pixels as the same unit of measurement. That can't be right. Anyone know how to fix it?
If you don't vote today then they're replacing voting with an app to reserve politicians.
Me & C on the Staten Island Ferry en route to the starting line... back when our legs were fresh with hope and promise! (compared to now where we're limping around the apt hopped up on Advil) - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
In case you missed it: Read about our incredible journey to eMachines in our Press Release here: http://www.tilde.club/~shelle...
RT @TheRyanParker: BREAKING: There has been a mass shooting in Bell, Fla., the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office confirms. Children reportedly among the dead.
That said if you are interested in an iOS/Android developer position working with me (I know, right) get in touch!
TIL that Brian Doyle-Murray went to my alma matter, @stmarysca! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki... #GoGaels
The Apple App Store "Waiting for Review" is a special kind of Purgatory.
RT @hikelabs: Let's work together on our new app @drafty http://drafty.com/notes...
I'm going to make this available as a t-shirt. I'll charge your credit card when you add them to your cart. https://t.co/FNdmfVAjYr
RT @CaseyNeistat: here is a video I made about the good people of Ferguson and their peaceful protest -- https://t.co/YnyUEj5pt2
Lesson from watching any tense Obama presser; if you stay after class the professor will level with you about your group project grade.
The frustration from Obama is palpable. Would love to hear his unfettered thoughts on the matter at hand. #obamanofilter
Drought conscious Californians: when you complete your Ice Bucket Challenge, please do so over a forest that looks like kindling.