Well, huh. A get-it-off-my-chest blog post I made 6 years ago is linked in this fairly comprehensive post on microwaves: http://thesweethome.com/reviews...
"The evening rush comments before installing php file and justice, and our feast today emişkeliyos today, I'm glad the last drop of almost falling."
- Micah
If you edit the ffexp.php document, there are instructions in there for how to change the switches for various alternatives like downloading rooms. Unfortunately I can't for the life of me figure out where in the document to make the change to download my Direct Messages.
- Hookuh Tinypants
Friendfeed Export and Format (v0.51) for OS X Yosemite (will probably not work in older OS X versions). Download: Here's the link to a zip file that contains the .app file: http://wittman.org/ff...
So is there a consensus on how far back we can query? My ff_stream_username.json file goes to about 2010 Feb 9 - I think it's exactly 10101 entries
- Ankush Narula
Worked away from home all last week. The other guy from work and I had dinner at nicest restaurant in town one night. Overheard an older white dude ask the server, with an indignant tone, "Excuse me, is there not a dress code?" Co-worker was wearing a Metallica t-shirt. WIN!
Librarian Friendfeed was the nuclear sub fleet of FF. Had highly public contingent, but otherwise ran deep and quietly with the occasional surfacing so that I knew it was there.
FFExp2HTMLex.php - "Paging Edition" (customization of Claudio Cicali's FF archive-to-HTML script by Micah Wittman) - Converts the output of ffexp.php into multiple HTML page files - Version 0.5 (2015-03-12) - https://gist.github.com/wittman...
For those of us who aren't really scripters or programmers, how do we use this? I was able to use Claudio's script on MacOS via the Terminal. Not sure what to do with this, though.
- Spidra Webster
May 25th will be Bebepool's 10-year anniversary. Hard for me to believe, but yeah. I want to do something for the users to celebrate, but not sure what yet.
Look at all this content we made. Because we enjoyed it. Because it reflected who we are, or what we mused about. Because we're curious of the other; how the same, how different. Because we had to spill our guts. Because the moment of win was won.
I know. Just checked the database. Over the years 772 users opted to signup for ff (or use their existing—although some were confused and typed in their facebook name).
- Micah
I'll really miss writing extensions (like Friendfeed Image Zoom Extension) for all of you. It was my pleasure (special shout out to peeps in Turkey and Italy—you all are great).
Yeah, he jumped ship (deleting FF and FB) and went full-on G+. We lived together for a few years in the early 2000s but haven't been in touch in a few years now.
- Kristin
Going back through my DMs, semi-DMs and other stuff I posted privately to 'save'—it's overwhelming. In an extremely good way. My feels are exhausted for tonight. Sleep well, all.