Anybody awake?
Yep. :/ - Kristin
I made a thing. - Micah
Another Internet Daughter? - Kristin
uh... - Bren
Yep. - bentley
Yeah. But, cali time. - chrisofspades
Tell us about the thing. - Marie
Yes. - Corinne L
Yep - Tamara J. B.
Well, if you used Claudio's archiver, I made a custom version of the json file to HTML utility. This extended version creates numbered multiple files (linked to each other) instead of one ginormous web page file. - Micah
So, uh, for those of us who haven't used Claudio's archiver yet, do we have to do that first and then this? I know nothing about this kind of stuff. - Kristin
You're speaking a foreign language. - Anne Bouey
Hi! - Stephen Mack
Yup. - Mary Carmen
You betcha. - Iain Baker
Yep. - Brent Schaus
time for work unfortunately :-( - Heleninstitches #teamff
I'm awake now... need to go back to sleep though. *yawn* Going through best of day and getting weepy. :') - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I was up then and still am. Although technically I should be awake as I'm at work. :) - That's So CAJ!
LOL - Brent Schaus
Still awake work to do, though. - April Russo (FForever!)
All night, as usual. - Julian
Not yet. - Steven Perez
Man oh man, I miss being on here at ungodly hours. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Ungodly hours are the best hours :-) - Adam B
Yaaaasss! - AHnix (Anna Haro)