Bret Taylor

Co-founder and CEO of Quip. Ex-CTO of Facebook. Previously co-founder and CEO of FriendFeed. Programmer, food lover.
RT @paulg: Convertible notes have won. Every investment so far in this YC batch (and there have been a lot) has been done on a convertible note.
A Global Graveyard for Dead Computers in Ghana - Slide Show - -
RT @shitmydadsays: "See, you think I give a shit. Wrong. In fact, while you talk, I'm thinking; How can I give less of shit? That's why I look interested."
Thank you message from Facebook employees -
Thanks to the 500 million people who use Facebook from all of us - Bret Taylor
an amazing achievement well done one and all - Thomas Power
RT @waxpancake: The Twitter Fail Whale was originally an elephant?! Yiying Lu's 2002 sketch of the Failephant:
RT @KatieS: First priority, teaching my family to say "tweet" not "twit", "twitter" not "tweeter". (Hi Aunt Erin!) :)
If Games Had Super-Easy Mode - CollegeHumor video -
we come in peace :))))))))))) - Circle
NextStop has been acquired by Facebook - welcome, Carl, Adrian, and team! -
Congrats gents. - Jason Shellen
YouTube - We Got Acquired By Amazon (woot) -!
We should have announced the FriendFeed acquisition this way. I am now ashamed we didn't have a rapping monkey in our announcement. - Bret Taylor
That sh#$ is funny as hell! - blackChinahand
YouTube - BP Spills Coffee -
"It's encroaching on my map of Louisiana!" - Andy Bakun
Cihangir'deki faşistler izlesin de mizah nasıl yapılır görsün... - Sinan Yuce
Ben Barry discusses the design around the Facebook f8 conference - really cool post -
A must read for information designers - Özkan Altuner
In the post Bernard Barry talk about a Processing script to produce graph imagery. Is it possible to have a look at the code of that script? - Fabrizio Giordano
hi, we're trying to reach privacy@friendfeed but it doesnt work! what to do??? its highly important. - soldout
Understanding Social Plugins - animated video for non-techies -
Why I Sold Zappos -
"But on the five-person board, only two of us -- Alfred Lin, our CFO and COO, and myself -- were completely committed to Zappos's culture. This made it likely that if the economy didn't improve, the board would fire me and hire a new CEO who was concerned only with maximizing profits. The threat was never made overtly, but I could tell that was the direction things were going." - Bret Taylor
Talk about clueless: "Some board members had always viewed our company culture as a pet project -- "Tony's social experiments," they called it." - Todd Hoff
RT @BPGlobalPR: Safety is our primary concern. Well, profits, then safety. Oh, no- profits, image, then safety, but still- it's right up there.
RT @shitmydadsays: "Look, we're basically on earth to shit and fuck. So unless your job's to help people shit or fuck, it's not that important, so relax."
I don't know how I just discovered this Twitter account. - Bret Taylor
It would have been great if FF caught this in its dedup...Very similar entry by Piaw Na, right below. - Space Cowboy
Desktop Notifications: Now available to extensions in Chrome -
Why Taxing Carried Interest As Ordinary Income Is Good Policy -
This is obvious to me, and I'm surprised that it wasn't already the case. - Tudor Bosman
A New Subway Map for New York - Interactive Feature - -
Simpler + better Facebook privacy control:
RT @BPGlobalPR: New solution: Everybody drive your cars into the gulf with your gas caps open! You'll get a full tank and we'll only charge $20 cash!
RT @funnyhumour: The new version of Pac-Man is so awesome, it comes with a search engine built into it
Epic and Honest Mobile Home Commercial -!
if it's good enough for Errol Morris, it's good enough for me: - Adam Kazwell
This Nike World Cup video / commercial is pretty awesome -
RT @bradfitz: New Android 2.2 Froyo SDK API: ... "What a Terrible Failure"!
That's definitely a sign of an epic sdk! - imabonehead
Does one pass in BBQ as a tag or a msg? - Micah
I wonder if there's a UML spec for this from the Object Management Group… - Jim Norris
I hope they implement "foo" and "bar", one day, too :) - Özkan Altuner
Our cats bring in rats and birds into the house as "presents" via the catdoor. My wife and I are debating creative solutions to prevent the cats from getting into the house if they are carrying something. How do other folks deal with the problem? (Before Karen makes me manufacture the multi-million dollar full-body scanner catdoor she described)
If you block the cat door they just line the back step with the umm evidence prolly better than on kitchen floor ;) - WarLord
hey, very funny. and i used too have the same problem but then i got a bird and so my cat stayed focused on trying to get that bird. only problem for the cat is that the bird is in a cage, therefore the cat goes out quickly and comes back in when shes done, and consentrates on how she could get this one bird; but she never will ;) good luck!!! - kt nichole
Early 1900s in Colour - photos by Albert Kahn -
Really amazing photos - Bret Taylor
ahh bret fenerbahçe şampiyon olamadı sen bize bunları gösteriyorsun.. - Aynebilim Aşevi
That's cool! I don't understand why they all have copyright notices on them, though. Does French copyright law really allow hundred-year-old photos to still be protected? - Gabe
RT @shellen: This generation's walkie-talkie?
Is that even licensed? It's hard to tell because of the reflection, but the Iron Man head looks a little off. - Andy Bakun
Luke Shepard, Facebook Platform engineer who helped author OAuth 2.0, dives into the spec and FB implementation -
The FB docs don't have info on the client credentials flow - I was trying to 'divine' it from the OAuth spec, but I couldn't get it to work. Can we get the individual flows outlined in the docs? - Justin Hart
Justin - it's technically outlined at the bottom here: - Luke Shepard
But I agree we can make it more clear. - Luke Shepard
The Google Logo in 884 4×6 Photographs - Clay Bavor -
Very cool - Bret Taylor
Awesome! - Andrew David
‘Los Suns’ of Phoenix Are Protesting Arizona Law - -
"The Phoenix Suns delivered a powerful statement Wednesday night with a relatively subtle gesture: a three-letter addition to their uniforms. Their jerseys said “Los Suns” — a Spanish-English combination intended to acknowledge the Cinco de Mayo holiday and, more broadly, to express opposition to Arizona’s new law dealing with illegal immigrants." - Bret Taylor
The Twitter Engineering Blog: Introducing FlockDB -