One last selfie ... goodbye FF ... ❤️
ahhh, BEAUTIFUL. <3 G'bye sweet Penny. You were one of my ffavorites. :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Penny! - Yolanda
Anna, you'll always be in my favourites <3 - Penny
So great to see you, Penny! Hubba.<3 - felicious
Been great to see you too felicious! <3 I'm loving catching up on everyone! - Penny
I hope you'll join us at - John (bird whisperer)
I would love to John, but when I try to go to the site, I get a "coming soon" message :( - Penny
Oh thank you Kristin! Will check it out :) - Penny
What a beautiful pic! - Anne Bouey
*HUGS* - #cryptic
Thanks, Anne :) ... Hugs to you too, Helen :) - Penny
*faints of gorgeous* - MoTO Boychick Devil
*swoons* :) - Steven Perez
Yeah... I'm going to miss this place .... :'( - Penny
Take care, Penny - Tyson Key
What are y'all still doing here? It's mid afternoon on the 10th already ... - Penny
We're fighting the power, of course. :) - Steven Perez
Melly and I are super special - we get a whole extra day! - Penny
This was my most liked post of all time, apparently <3 - Penny
Beauty you <3 - Neya
Neya <3 - Penny
So long FF ... I had some of the best times ever here. #FForever - Penny
TTFN, Penny. <3 - That one guy. Bren.
Goodnight, Penny. <3 - Kristin