Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Tasks -
Simple lists (in Gmail Labs) - Keith Coleman
A candidate for most Loved post of the month :) - Christopher Galtenberg
I wish I could like this twice. - Benjamin Golub
Thanks for posting this, Keith. - Brett Lider
w00t! - Matt Cutts
Keith: can I make a suggestion? Auto create tasks with a filter. I currently send myself emails to bgolub+todo which get auto labeled and starred. Would love to be able to create a task in a similar process. - Benjamin Golub
oh ok, that's the one I wanted for - Eren Emre Kanal
Been waiting for this, Remember The Milk is a little buggy - Chris Nuttall
Very simple.. I hope they does something more accesible - Leandro Ardissone ⍨
great,,喜欢以chat 形似弹出的窗口 - qian
Ben - yes, we need a "double" like button!! please make me one :D - Susan Beebe