Tyler (Chacha)

A part time author and programmer interested in the web and all it has to offer. (http://chacha102.com)
RT @bruno_carreco: The Dangers of Pricing in WordPress Business Models http://tommcfarlin.com/pricing...
If you like to talk to tomatoes. If a squash can make you smile. If you like to waltz with potatoes, up and down the produce aisle...
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
I need to reinstall my operating system. Maybe I'll try Fedora next.
Re: Radionomy Saves Winamp by Buying It - http://www.morningledger.com/radiono...
"Hold up. Spotiamp specifically lists that it isn't a product of Spotify. Also, Spotify hasn't yet been acquired by them. So, do youQ know something we don't know?" - Tyler (Chacha)
RT @Jimminy: Possibly the best seatbelt PSA I've ever seen. http://redux.com/view...
Europe is proposing a 'right to be forgotten'. Grim much?
Location Based Services like @iAmExec suck because they always start up in the same cities (SF, NYC). No Competition in San Diego! Come Here
I'm reaching the bottom of my fuel tank. Tomorrow might be Friday, but it still isn't the weekend.
Linux runs PHPUnit SO MUCH FASTER than Windows. I want to hug someone.
I have too many playlists on Spotify.
Tasksel is the stupidest program I've ever heard of. Never use it.
My Twitter password is the most secure password I have. And I almost never use it...
To day my todo-list will be done.
On the phone.with Apple. Enabling my Apple ID that mysteriously got disabled.
I don't like people who use the magnify toolbar setting n Mac docks.
Love is a command. Not an option.
An Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles.
RT @dahlbyk: So uh... anyone hiring?
UCSD is really complicated and confusing.
At San Diego JavaScript Meet-up at 3rd Space.
"Three fifths!" ( Trig class chant... )
RT @leorapini: “@9GAG: Our generation will be the weirdest grandparents.”
RT @Viss: Hm. so I need to raise several thousand more dollars for @barcampsd. If we want coins, I need to pay by the 15th. halp?
I just don't do a lot on Twitter. Tweet Tweet. Tweet Tweet.
The Stream – African innovations - http://techgeist.net/the-str...
Innovations for our future - http://techgeist.net/innovat...