Are CSS3 columns ever going to work?
RT @PanguTeam: We just released Pangu8 for Mac OS X. iOS 8.1 is now jailbreakable for Mac users! Download the tool at .
There are thousands of ways to clean the kitchen. And picking the right way doesn't matter as much as starting does.
You have to fix all of the bugs. Because if it happens 1% of the time, that's a really big number.
RT @saurik: If you are waiting to jailbreak your iOS 8.0-8.1 device until things are "stable enough": we now seem to be ready! ;P
RT @sacca: Megan Smith (@smithmegan) is the very best choice for he US CTO role. Congrats to her and the White House.
RT @chris24barnes: Which cities get the most sleep?
It's so 1990s that Excel doesn't have "Export to JSON".
I miss the days of writing code for less than five platforms at once.
RT @startupvitamins: A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.
Chrome's DirectWrite font rendering patch makes Calibri super-ugly.
Your software can answer queries about X. So you use all values of X and rank them. Repeat enough times and you make magic.
RT @Recode: "The tablets boomed and now are crashing. The volume has really gone down..." - @BestBuy CEO
RT @Recode: Investment in LA Tech Has Nearly Tripled in Five Years / by @NellieBowles /
RT @eyedar: So many good quotes in here... RT @paultoo: My Startup School Europe talk: The Technology
Canon released the 20D in August 2004. What's new in still photography?
It's one of those days when you refactor a ton of code, and all the 2's are now 3's and you have no idea why.
Is there a tool to scan for Windows services that are world-writable? I found a legitimate service installed like this, disabled in a hurry.
When you make a "dumb" content search for a website and watch the complex questions people type in, you realize how amazing Google is now.
I wish everyone would stop picking music for my mood. I just want great music.
A strange thing about the Facebook mood study is the assumption that what people post indicates how they feel, as opposed to social norms.
RT @62days: How it feels submitting an app to the Apple store.
RT @verge: Apple stopping development of Aperture and iPhoto for OS X
FaceTime Audio over LTE is just consistently amazing. Carriers are saving money the wrong way by making voice quality so bad.
RT @peterseibel: I'm starting to think it's naming, cache invalidation, and configuration.
Big safety issue when using devices in the car is change in brightness between screen and road. Adapting takes a long time.
Wish Android would do more ease-in/ease-out animations.
Note to self: stop plugging USB2 things into USB3 ports. When it counts, It just doesn't work.
RT @compay: My 5 year old son just asked my wife if 20 + 20 is 2020. I think he's going to be a JavaScript developer when he grows up.
Feels like extortion to buy access to journal articles sometimes, but compared to $13k/PhD I'm getting a deal:
RT @MrAlanCooper: Somebody Put a Camera on a Toy Car and Drove It Into a Pride of Lions:
That moment when Chrome crashes and then r-e-s-t-o-r-e-s-1-8-0-t-a-b-s-a-l-l-a-t-o-n-c-e.