Michael Leggett

Gmail Design Lead and new dad.
What goodbye party is complete without BABY PICTURES! (our now 2 month old daughter, Tessa)
I can't wait to meet Tessa!! - Rachel Lea Fox
I loved that FriendFeed had a podcast all about it called FFundercats. :)
It was awesome! - Kevin Fox
It was AWESOME, Johnny. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
RIP FriendFeed... I stopped visiting a while back but have many fond memories. Plus, you power leggett.org. :(
Bret Taylor sighting. - Back to just Joe
Hi Mike! - Louis Gray
Lower back workout, with Dr. Eric Goodman and Foundation Training - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Reed wearing his “cat hat” - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
RT @superwuster: The White House's announced Net Neutrality policy is 100% on target http://www.whitehouse.gov/net-neu...
RT @kylekesterson: Standing ovation as @AndySack says goodbye as Managing Director of #Seattle @Techstars. WE ❤️ YOU! #tsdemoday https://twitter.com/kylekes...
RT @nataliaenvy: Founder of XX+UX and Sr. Android Designer @brynn is leading the Talent & Hiring panel at #FORMSF14. #womentechmakers https://twitter.com/natalia...
RT @waltmossberg: Review: Google’s new Inbox app comes close to mastering email. http://recode.net/2014... via @KatieBoehret https://twitter.com/waltmos...
Ah the many memories of dinners with the Gmail team - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
Saw this on the way home. At the very least this should not be a question. - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
Top of Victoria Station, London - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
Is that a Newton in the lower left? - Stephen Mack
RT @igrigorik: 36% battery life improvement on Android L preview: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets... - yes, please! awesome work by Android + Chrome teams.
RT @ireneau: The venerable @jakek, in all his plaidness, on how to set up design space/war room for a team http://m.fastcodesign.com/3028471...
What’s the record for number of times the wave makes it around a stadium in a row? We just did 8. It was awesome. #GoMariners - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...
RT @alexcornell: Making plans has become impossible. Cellphones are to blame: https://t.co/Jwf5Dzz9nH
Ha! - Stephen Mack
RT @HoustonRockets: Rockets win! Troy Daniels buries the clutch 3 for a 121-116 OT win (POR leads series 2-1). Harden 37p, Howard 24p/14r https://twitter.com/Houston...
Thank you DrOz, this has changed my life! http://pycos.it/modules...
RT @bl: Awesome find. I still remember being told that was I going to get a sister. When told, I must have been 3 years… https://t.co/8rSxezUboJ
Scientific 7-Minute Workout (Non-Music Version) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
A real Underwood typewriter found at an old friend’s house… who has watched House of Cards - http://leggett.tumblr.com/post...